"Well if it smelt that bad that I'm even more surprised you didn't mention it before", Carlton smiled to himself as Rita continued on down the path, kicking anything that she could along the way. Despite Rita being almost the polar opposite of him he couldn't help but admire her carefree spirit and how everything seemed to simple to her. Perhaps that was what made him come along in the first place..Carlton, in a way, was jealous of her and found being around her helped him forget easier. Rita continued to talk about being a teacher and how dodgeball might be more useful than one might think. "Dodgeball ey?", Carlton questioned whilst he scratched his chin. "I suppose that agility might be useful in our line of work, no?" Rita was too busy kicking down a door to a place to pay attention to what Carlton had to say, she turned to him and claimed to shower first if the hot water was running, "Hey! You're the one who said I smelt like a dead body, think i'll be needing that shower more", Carlton called back as Rita's second kick knocked the door in and she head straight inside. Carlton followed quick but looked off into the distance again with one last glance at the figure who surely must have seen them entering the house, if not kicking it in. However the figure did not move, He or she just stood there with there arms now my clear hanging over towards the ground and clearly in a bit of a slouch. Carlton shook his head as he followed inside after Rita, desperate for that hot shower he desperately needed.