If anyone has a character(other than me) who has the most common brown eyes, could someone please point it out? Maybe Wes did, I can't remember but.... the blue/green eyes are strong in this rp. I don't care, its statistically possible, but god some character in this RP had better notice that the browns are outnumbered somehow in this dorm. XD That said, if your character has blue or green eyes, I won't slap you for adding more. Make your characters as you would naturally. I'm not about to start rationing what are supposed to be more rare eye colors. I really like Naomi in this, she's dealing with a lot of the same shyness as Shae with very different flaws behind it. It'll be interesting for Shae, who will definitely be less dynamic of a character, to watch Naomi grow and probably feel pressured to grow herself from this. I still need to reread a lot of characters and add them to the front page now that I have more sleep. Frozen, if you can put a version of your profile thats all in ONE hidden thing instead of several that would help, I'll do the work even if you don't though. I just want everything on the front page formatted the same. Also just be careful not to drive the plot too hard. X3