Jack smiled as Drake told him the story of last night. Before bursting out laughing at his friend's misfortune. "Drake man, you definitely got shafted in that situation. That's why the mindless blonde thing is good. They are so mindless even if they felt they needed a sex change they woul never realise because they are so dumb." Jack held out his hand and slapped Drake on the shoulder. "Look if we do want this record deal we need to look at getting out to LA. And that is going to be a bitch. It's an expensive flight and an incredibly long journey. I could probably scrape together some cash but we need to make this work if we want to get home. Or we could say fuck it, take my car and make a trip of it." Jack grinned again, he had always been afuck it and see kind of person. Both with women and the other aspects of his life. This approach did have it's perks but pregnancy scares were common. Still not a dad yet he noted though. "So look if we can decide on a way to get there I will call the boss tonight and we can head out in a couple of days. How does that sound?"