In the seven years that the human race had to prepare for another attack by the Actualizer threat, there was a false sense of peace that at least left the colonials an eerie peace. Anyone who anticipated them to disappear after so many years was soon to face the reality of their presences once again. In this colony, the denizens were about to realize that their fears were not only justified but even stronger than before. Eleanor Rhiannon, once an operative of the Archangel, observed from her pilot screen a view of the colony from afar. Piloting the strange flesh ridden mobile suit, two followed behind her and kept out of sight of any security scans. “Still unable to detect our technology. This will be just as easy as the last few missions.” She noted to herself as the colonial defenses showed no signs of being activated as her squad continued to move in. She established communications with the other two mobile suits, “We’re heading towards the target colony. Prepare to commence the operation. We will soon offer a very fitting ending song to this era.” A voice of one of the mobile suit pilots announced, “At last we’re getting there. How much longer before I can smash this place into nothing?” Eleanor heard the other one question, “You’re sure Tadgh Lugh was the right choice for this mission? The Orchestrator must have known he can’t control his hunger at even the mention of destruction.” Eleanor denied the “We aren’t selected in a case of random choice. This mission will be crucial for our success.” As if on cue Tadgh asked, “Can’t we simply move in and crush them now?” Eleanor managed to maintain control over the bloodthirsty pilot when she reminded, “We must permit the Archangel to become a visual. Our target will be in range then.” Tadgh growled when he continued to wait, “These humans better get it over with then. The sooner they do the more I might consider sparing them.” Eleanor concluded the briefing when she ordered, “Just stay put before you decide. Our mission has to come first.” The other pilot waiting for the mission to begin reminded, “Once the Archangel has been placed into public view we will be able to generate the most the most attention.” Tadgh entered the conversation, “And when we have it we’ll mount the most casualties!” The remaining pilot agreed with the hope, “So you are capable of contributing to a conversation. We can all agree that they will not be able to provide a decent threat once we are inside.” Eleanor ordered both of them, “Remain quiet. They are sitting where we want them and we’ll have their best pilots boarding very soon. Then the attack begins.” She pushed aside any detest for the impatience of executing the mission when she promised herself, “They believe melting down an old ship to future use is a fitting end for ear? I’ll offer a far more worthy end for her…”