[center][i]Still Accepting Characters[/i][/center] [center][b]The Alessian Resurgence: An Elder Scrolls RP[/b][/center] --- [hider=Background Info]The people of Tamriel are scrambling. Alduin lay defeated, crushed utterly in a heroic sacrifice by the last, and late, Dragonborn. The great enemies to the motherland Skyrim, Harkon and Miraak, are dead. For a while, all was peaceful. Then, the Thalmor, led by Mistress Elenwen, led a peace conference between the warring Elisif and Ulfric. They claimed that High King Torygg's father had a bastard son with a Thalmor representative. They said that this High Elf, raised as a Nord, would make the perfect High King of Skyrim, ushering in a great alliance between the Nords and the Thalmor. Elisif was pressured to consider this, and for some reason Ulfric agreed to the conference as well. This did not bode well with Skyrim's general population, nor any man or Argonian in Tamriel who feared the expansion of the Thalmor. The exact details are unknown, but its being pieced together. The Conference of Riverwood was attacked by a pro-man military group with incredible force and precision. Elenwen, Ulfric and Elisif, along with their top advisers, were killed. This attacking force apparently left the message to "Teach a lesson to the Elf sympathizers. These traitors have been made an example of." Many old Stormcloaks, viewing Ulfric being at the Conference as a betrayal, have allied themselves with this new force. The group was later revealed to have been lead by General Sidonis, who fought in the Great War against the Thalmor and was the Empire's best military tactician. He has styled himself Emperor Lyvander Sidonis I of the restored Alessian Empire. He has thousands of Nords and Imperials backing him, and under his military genius he has snatched the country of Skyrim for himself, proclaiming it the first of many to fall. What has the people scrambling is that General Sidonis claims that the Thalmor, and by extension all Elves, are a threat to Tamriellic peace and always have been. He has ordered the execution of every Elven man, woman and child in Alessian territory. Thousands of Elves are already feared dead, and chaos is breaking out all over the continent as more flock to his cause every day. For every elf who dies, ten men and women join Sidonis's cause, seeing the Thalmor as a threat to Tamriel, with added animosity towards Elves. They reason that the Thalmor have been nothing but evil, the Dark Elves have always been at war with the Nords, an Elf caused the Oblivion Crisis that nearly destroyed the world, and of course Elves enslaved humans in the time of Alessia herself. A worrying consensus among the downtrodden is that the Elves have done more harm in Tamriel's history than good. [/hider] Tamriel is about to fall into total war. As the Alessian Empire grows in strength and the extermination of Altmer, Dunmer and Bosmer continue, the Imperial Empire will weaken and the Thalmor will grow more desperate. No province will be able to avoid this conflict. You are emergency volunteers in this war. Currently, there is no payment for this except the loot from fallen enemies. Some Elf friendly groups are independently paying mercenaries to join up, though. There also might be some Legion soldiers, or soldiers from other provinces, even Thalmor agents, loaned to the cause. You, or your employer, recognize the harsh reality sooner than most: To avoid a war that destroys your continent, the Alessian Empire has to be stopped. Titus Mede II has organized several squads of such volunteers - the Legion is stretched thin, with deserters, other conflicts and the large garrison massacre in Skyrim. Your particular squad, officially named Dragon's Eye, has been tasked with one goal: the gathering of information. The Imperials are currently launching a counter-offense against Falkreath. Jarl Siddegeir is dead, and his uncle Jarl Dengeir has assumed office again and sword loyalty to this new Empire. Squad Dragon's Eye is to infiltrate the city and learn more about the Alessians, General Sidonis, and the nature of the Elven genocide. It is already being called the Severance by Alessian loyalists. --- [center][b]The State of Tamriel[/b][/center] --- [hider=Tamriel] [i]Faction: The Imperials[/i] The Imperials hold High Rock and Cyrodiil, for now. They are wavering in strength and their Legion is steadily decreasing. Emperor Titus Mede faces pressure on the Thalmor front and the Alessian front. Cyrodiil is a place of chaos and poverty, and High Rock is regressing to a time in history where each city was its own nation. It has little central authority. [i]Faction: The Aldmeri Dominion (Thalmor)[/i] It is believed that if the Thalmor wanted to take out the Alessians, they could, but it would come at a great loss for them. Waging a ground war in the frozen lands of Skyrim would deplete their numbers. Currently their Matriarch is formulating an alternative method to take out the Alessians. For every second they delay, they lose popularity among their Elven citizens. The states of Valenwood, Anequina and Pelletine are still clients of the Dominion. [i]Faction: The Sultanate of Hammerfell[/i] Hammerfell's newfound independence has brought nothing but rebuilding from their recent war. Their Sultan has been dedicating every resource to making Hammerfell great again, but the province is still weak. He has denounced the Alessians, the Imperials, and the Thalmor. In these times, Hammerfell stands alone. [i]Faction: The Children of Morrowind[/i] The Argonians control much of Morrowind, but that has not destroyed the spirit of the Dark Elves. Morrowind loyalists have retreated to Solstheim, led by Queen Avos, who champions herself as the last hope of the Dunmer people. Currently Queen in Exile, Avos is desperately petitioning every nation for help retaking her homeland. [i]Faction: Argonia[/i] The Argonians are building their numbers after taking much of Morrowind. They are perhaps, behind the Thalmor and the Alessians, the most powerful country left in Tamriel. Their High King takes note of this, and is renowned for his great ambition. Some even say the High King has all of Tamriel in mind for his conquests. [i]Faction: The Alessian Empire[/i] Lyvander Sidonis half conquered Skyirm, and was half welcomed with open arms. He is growing in strength every day, and 'The Severance' is claiming the lives of thousands of Elves already. He has expressed interest in turning his sights on Bruma, and then all of Cyrodiil. He claims himself Emperor in Exile from the Imperial City, and makes no claim for Skyrim, as long as they join the Empire. The local Jarls are soon going to hold a Kingsmoot. [/hider] [hider=Emperor-General Lyvander Sidonis]Sidonis is an Imperial, born on the coasts of Anvil in 3E 134, making him 68 years old. He was born to relative poverty as the son of a sailor, but he spent his early life traveling between Anvil and Alinor. He proved to be the charmer and gained the friendship of many Thalmor and Anvil officials. When he turned 18, he became a diplomat between the two. Sidonis increased trade tenfold and brought the bitterest of enemies together as friends. This lasted for five years, until Sidonis's father was killed by pirates. He immediately enlisted in the Imperial Legion. His talents did not abandon him, and he quickly rose the ranks to a Captain in the Legion. Sidonis proved to be an inspiring and charismatic man, so he was in charge of training recruits and keeping the morale up. When the Great War broke out, things changed. Sidonis was needed, like every other solider in the Legion, against the Thalmor. He was promoted to general and shoved into battle, where he led soldiers against many of his former friends. Sidonis apparently did not waver, as he became one of the most successful generals in the Great War. His men never lost a fight. He was promoted even farther to tactician and military consul to the Emperor. It was Sidonis, who accompanied Mede into exile in Skyrim, who came up with the plans for the Battle of the Red Ring; the conquering of the Imperial City and the worst blow to the Thalmor in their history. Sidonis was drowned in medals and acclamations. He was considered the Empire's greatest secret weapon. But Sidonis did not stop there. He returned to Alinor after the war and continued to broker goodwill and peace between both nations. He befriended the Aldmeri Matriarch herself. Sidonis may have even been responsible for the Thalmor honoring the ceasefire over the years. In the past 25 years, Sidonis has served the Empire well and was considered a good friend of the Emperor and the Thalmor. When Elisif was murdered, the Emperor was in shock. When Elenwen was murdered, the Matriarch was outraged. Neither of them even fathomed the idea that Lyvander Sidonis was behind the attack. They still cannot explain it, officially. According to the Empire, one day Sidonis walked out of his office in the Imperial City, rode to Skyrim, and became genocidal overnight. The biggest question among those who know him is: Why is Lyvander Sidonis doing this?[/hider] --- [center][b]Gameplay[/b][/center] --- This roleplay will be centered around exploration, character development, combat, plot, and shaping the future of Tamriel. It'll also have a psychological backdrop. It will be player driven, but I will guide you towards the necessary plot points. You'll have a mission and it'll be up to you to complete it however you can. Along the way, you'll be making decisions that could affect the world around you. The rules are standard, and I don't think that I need to post them here. Try and post quality over quantity, and try and stay active. We'll be starting the game on our way to Falkreath. Depending on the builds of your characters, I may make my own to even out the squad's abilities. Above all, enjoy yourself, and try to make an interesting character who has the ability to evolve over time. That's what makes any good story. I'm going to say one character only unless you have an idea for two people who really tie into each other's stories (husband-wife, necromancer-reanimated corpse, that sort of jazz), or a character and a pet. [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Race:[/b] [b]Class:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] (Provide a description, realistic picture or in-game TES character of any game. No anime please.) [b]Equipment:[/b] Keep it lore-friendly. [b]Talents/Spells/Strengths:[/b] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Everyone has them. [b]Personality (optional):[/b] This can be revealed in-story. Think of it as a few brief words to sum up the character. [b]Background:[/b] Include why you joined up with Dragon's Eye. --- [center][b]Dragon's Eye[/b][/center] --- [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/49722/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1506589]Ormoneric, played by Terminal[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/49722/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1507303]Syndelius Odin-Ahhe, played by TaliPaendrag[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/49722/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1509607]Numtvee Caynes, AKA Followed by Night, played by Hexaflexagon[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/49722/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1509802]Alana Cahan, played by Rock Killjoy[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/49722/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1515584]Finnen, played by Leidenschaft[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/49722/posts/ooc?page=2#post-1521444]Kiania, played by GreivousKhan[/url]