And one last thing before I stop making setting stuff. Something a bit more light-hearted than the Elven Mongol Hordes. ---- [b]Race Name:[/b] Pixies [b]Race Description:[/b] The bigger cousin of those tiny things that hover around flowers, they share many of the same traits. For instance, they're all girls, they can fly, and they really like woodland and meadow. They're a bit more varied, physically, in that some of them don't have wings and those that [i]do[/i] aren't restricted to dragonfly wings. Their size comes with an increase in intelligence, making it a lot easier to talk with a pixie as they're much less likely to misunderstand you or get horribly distracted. They are still, however, small: all pixies are pre-pubescent girls, no matter how old or mature they are. Since they're nature spirits and caretakers of areas of wilderness (as opposed to specific plants), pixies have innate magical talents governing gardening, and those that leave their homes are in high demand for such roles and farming. One of Karstberg's parks is so huge and extensive that its main gardener claims to have been born there--and this would make it the first artificial setting to give rise to a pixie and not just fairies. As they share the same abilities--albeit stronger, origin, and natural language, the distinction between fairies and pixies is one of human devising. Technically the same creature, it's simply a way of differentiating between the tiny, flighty, and forgetful sort and the group who tend to make trees sit on top of you if you damage their homes.