His body tenses. [i]'He's coming closer. Why is he coming closer. Why. . . .Why is it making my body light up like this? It's like a bunch of ants crawling across my flesh, scraping and nipping. It doesn't hurt, just. . .He should go, I was rude, why does he stay? I am a bad host, he can find his way out. . .Perhaps I should just lead him out, take him to the inn. There he would not have to worry ab-'[/i] His thoughts are cut short as he feels the man stop beside him, the sound of his body shifting indicating he has come even closer, perhaps even come down to his level by the sound of breathing so close beside him. His flesh jumps slightly as Aryx begins talking, his head tilting ever so slightly to listen better. Even as his skin crawls, he can not deny the man the courtesy of paying attention when he speaks. [i]'He has been so tolerant of me, I can at least show him the respect all humans deserve. . .'[/i] Even as it seems he has been forgiven, the stranger ask for warning, warning against these things, these responses, Viltez can neither control nor explain. His tongue is like molten steel in his mouth, sliding this way and that but unwilling to form around words. [i]'What's wrong with me. . . .'[/i] He suppresses a whine, not wanting to interrupt his guest. After bringing up a very good point, one the halfbreed can not appreciate in his current state, the man asks to be excused, and on impule Viltez prepares to look up, to ask what he is to be excusing, however an instant later he feels fingers on his nect and a sharp shock runs through his system. A harsh gasp takes the place of words, spilling from the man's lips at the sudden feeling racing through his body. After a moment his head snaps back, a green light sparking in his eyes, though he does not notice it, and all at once, he feels much more himself. [i]'What did? How? I suddenly don't. . .It's like. . .What?'[/i] His head slowly turns, his eyes finding his guest. His expression is unreadable beyond curiosity, however with his mind back in place, Viltez feels no urge to question what just happened. [i]'Whatever just happened, I feel better, and if he wants to talk about it, he will, and if not. . .All I can do is be grateful'[/i] His tail twitches, catching the halfbreed's attention, then almost like it really is a dog the young man pats it softly near the tip and just like that, it's back to it's normal wriggling self. Climbing carefully to his feet Viltez brushes himself off and casts a smile at Aryx. “Thank you.” He says simply before pointing back the way they came. “Perhaps we should get back on the trail before we forget which way it is, or get carried off by forest spirits or something like that.” He chuckles softly at the idea of forest spirits, a creation of bedtime stories and nothing else as far as he knows, and with a new spring in his step he leads the way back to the path. [i]'Whatever he did, I feel much better. Perhaps it was something like those medicine men I have heard of, healing people through touching particular place on their bodies, releasing energy or whatever. However, I heard they use needles mostly. . .Perhaps some do not require them. . .Ah well, nothing for it now, I should just enjoy the lack of nerves'[/i] He smiles warmly at the thought and does just that.