[quote=Ormoneric]"Hello me! Have we died again yet, or are we still waiting for the nonsense with the horker tusk and the chair with the broken leg? or wait, am I in Quagmire again? This is not the place for us to complete the circuit, that was done here two years ahead! You dolt, obviously I'm supposed to stand still until you walk behind me and then I fall down de- What are you doing? You got it mixed up again! Stop dying! Everyone, get ready, I messed up again and we need to try again. I promise you'll get it right this time. Just remember to not be me."[/quote] [b]Name:[/b] His name is on record at the Arcane University as Warlock Ormoneric, but he does not remember. There is much that he does not remember. [b]Age:[/b] He has trouble telling the time, let only how old he is. He is clearly the age of an Elder of at least 60 summers. [b]Race:[/b] Breton [b]Class:[/b] Mage [b]Birthsign:[/b] The Tower [b]Appearance:[/b] [b]Equipment:[/b] Simple clothing ([url=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130204231004/elderscrolls/images/thumb/7/7e/Arvin_Dalvilu.png/285px-Arvin_Dalvilu.png]as pictured here[/url]), a [url=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120612170252/elderscrolls/images/thumb/c/c4/Glass_Mace_OB.png/250px-Glass_Mace_OB.png]Malachite Mace[/url], [url=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120310172136/elderscrolls/images/thumb/c/c7/ARustyDagger.png/250px-ARustyDagger.png]a rusty dagger[/url], Soul Gem Fragments, a copy of Liminal Bridges by Camilonwe, and a copy of Limenflux Transcience by Ormoneric. [hider=Spells]Mysticism is the branch of Magic that the Psijic order was founded upon, and that has often been described as 'Just like any other schools of Magic, but more." Its effects are subtle, and its ways difficult to master. A user of Mysticism must find ways to rearrange the great tapestry of the world to suit their own will, often imposing their will against the truth that is reality in order for a spell to function. Mystics therefore enjoy a diverse and useful assortment of spells, but suffer from the innate paroxysm and idleness most accomplished mages would find unacceptable. A Mystic must accept anything as possible - that the sky can be broken, space swallowed, that time can be danced with, and that the unreal might become real. Many devoted Mystics of the past have thus been claimed by Sheogorath, and those who aren't have found themselves spending decades of time struggling to develop new arcane theories and spells while their colleagues have developed dozens. Masters of Mysticism are masters not of casting spells, but of manipulating the fabric of magic and the world itself. The following are individual spell effects that Ormoneric has mastered, available for use or for spell mixing. -Absorb -Clairvoyance -Detect -Dispel -Lock -Open -Reflect -Silence -Soul Trap -Telekinesis UNIQUE SPELL EFFECT: -Ineffable Grace Ormoneric has spent so long studying cosmological continuity that they have developed a unique version of the Mark and Recall spell. Expect the unexpected with stranger tides.[/hider] [hider=Weaknesses][b]-Stranger Tides:[/b] Ormoneric has no idea whenwhere he is! Sometimes he gets confused and has to ask for transliminal directions. He also occasionally forgets who he is, or mixes up who is who, or misremembers something that happened in the future that never was or the past that won't be. [b]-Aurbis Gambit:[/b] Sometimes, Ormoneric can be extremely stubborn. Once he has it in his head that something happened or will happen a certain way, he will fight to the death to ensure all goes as he has seen...At least for as long as he can remember what he was thinking about. [b]-Daytime Dreamstriding:[/b] If you have any idea what this lout is saying, you're way ahead of the curve. Ormoneric certainly doesn't go out of his way to be understood. [b]-Vacuous Veracity:[/b] Ormoneric will believe nearly anything you tell him. He can still discern friend from foe, and knows when not to follow certain orders, but he has trouble distinguishing erroneous details from the truth of the matter.[/hider] [hider=A Letter of Condemnation]Penned by the hand of second Council-member and Master Wizard of the College of Whispers under the Archmage in the one hundred and seventieth year of the fourth era. I write now to officiate the expulsion of Warlock Ormoneric from the College of Whispers for conduct unbecoming of a senior mage, and to notify all appropriate coteries that he is neither welcome nor trusted by the magical community of the Imperial Conclave. His competence and acumen are hereby null, and no receipt of his experience shall report anything other than a low association with either the Synod or the College of Whispers. Warlock Ormoneric has been a notable and respected member of the College of Whispers for just over a decade at the time of this condemnation. Although his return of transcribed spells has been less extensive than any other senior member of the University he nonetheless has contributed several published tomes of research and knowledge to the Arcaneum, and he was often consulted on matters pertaining to ancient spellcraft as known prior to the third era as Mysticism. However, after a time his behavior and professional decorum deteriorated considerably, likely due to several years of strenuous and taxing investigation of liminal theory. After several instances of notable misconduct that I shall forebear to mention here, his madness was made apparent in an incident whereupon Warlock Ormoneric claimed to have convinced the Archmage that they had never existed, and that the current Archmage was actually seamstress from the Marshlands who had been transliminally recalled to obscure the true Archmage's ontological failure. Naturally, no evidence of such an occurrence was found and it is with both great regret and personal concern for Ormoneric as a friend and colleague that I must officiate his expulsion, both for his own safety and for those around him. In the professional opinion of the members of the College of Whispers, Warlock Ormoneric is not responsible for his own actions and is not to be entrusted in any position of authority or responsibility. Any semblance of competence or magical ability on his part are likely transient and not to be regarded as normal. He is not likely to hurt or endanger others intentionally, but it may be prudent for him to be confined for his own safety should such prove necessary.[/hider] [quote=Ormoneric]"Why am I here? That's a stupid question! I'm here to ask an old senile hermit why he's joined the Dragon's Eye, and very soon I will walk backwards to the barracks. I still have my lucky septim, the one with the two-headed Akatosh, and so I need to go back to yesterday and remember to forget it. "You don't need to tell me I'm mad, you already knew that, boy. You aren't mad, you just don't have the senses to see where you are in the cosmological sense! It's been so long since they've been able to truly see whenwhere they are. Thankfully, everything I do is always nearby. Relatively speaking. "I'm not sure why I'm here nowthere though. All I know is that's therewhen I'm supposed to be. It's the way of things. I have spied it with the finest arguments against that position, and all the data we contributed to the wanderer directed him whenwhere we were supposed to have been will be. You were the outcome boy, and you are the answer that tells me that here is where and when and why and what and who. Not how though. Everyone I've met has agreed that the how wasn't all that important. Which is good. I'm tired of how. "Does that answer my question? No. I still have that stupid look on his face. "I am HERE because I traversed the skein of Nirn. I am NOW because from my perspective I have walked forward. I am NEEDED because for what I will see, and what you will do, he must travel forward relatively to see backwards to what they are looking for. "I am your Mystic, you gibbering old madman, and he shall hold the hated Dragon's Eye safe against the sharpness of our blades and the ferocity of our spellcraft. He is no madman, he is the watcher who stands on every path to guard against our manifold dooms. "Also because the Cyrodiilic countryside is was and will be boring within that really weirdly shaped window. Where you are going, I will not need eyes to see something new that we will have looked upon with fondness. Also because we couldn't say no to the stupid old man. I needed everyone I could get."[/quote]