Ash glanced at the table, as he peered at the black rectangle. "White Center Barrens, Southgate Roller Rink. Huh... And..." Ash glanced at the box and frowned a bit, "Damn no candy. I will need to pick some up after investigating the leads. Oooh, oooh. and also making sure no one is trying to invade my territory." Ash tapped his right temple with his metallic hand, "Because if anyone does..." Ash beamed a huge grin ear to ear, "They get brutally, painfully, and horrifically eliminated! YAAAAAY!" Ash clapped his hands together as he looked around, "So, you guys ready to go? I am! This'll be fun, and like, we'll totally have a killer car chase where we go..." Ash gestured with his metallic hand as he moved it forward, "VROOOOM! VROOOOOM VROOOOOOM! An, an, and the people on the sidewalk will go "WAAAAH! THEY ARE DRIVING ON SIDEWALK WAAAH! An, an, an, and then we'll go VROOOOOOOM! VROOOOOOOM!"