Sliding backstage just as James began the standard intro for the show, Vincent sighed it was almost time to perform. He could really go for another cigar, in his one hundred and three years of smoking he had come to accept that he had become a little... dependent, maybe. Right now though he really did wish for the nerves loosening effect, he had a new trick he planned to try tonight. The problem with it though would be manipulating every member of the crowd with just a few words and nudges. Taking a breath Vincent just decided to double check that he was ready. Suit? Pristine. Cards? In his pocket right next to his lighter. His lighter reminded him he really wanted that cigar right now, but smoking in the tent was usually frowned upon by at least some portion of the showgoers. Resolving to go outside while James finished up he started to leave, only to hear Jimmy start to finish. "Great, nows I gots to stick arounds, I'm up afters Julian and I don'ts sees him yets, so I might gots to fill in." Vincent complained under his breath. By the time Julian popped in and finished his set Vincent had managed to gain his composure. Walking out to confront the crowd Vincent straightened his jacket. "Ah, good evenin' ladies and gents," he called out to gain their attention "If yous all coulds just forget I'm here 'til I greets ya again, we'd be peachy." With that said all the audience returned to talking to themselves, completely forgetting the existence of the man on stage. After setting up a nice leather chair in the middle of the area he sat down. Clearing his throat Vincent called out in a booming voice, "Ladies and gents its so goods to see ya's t'night." The moment he spoke half the audience jumped now taking in the the man sitting in fine suit in a leather chair in the middle of the tent. After their intial surprise they burst out clapping, many still openly wondering when he got there. Chuckling modestly Vincent spoke again, "Wells that wasn't a trick, but thanks ya. I am The Puppeteer and t'night many of yous shall be my puppets, in fact all of ya have alreadys begun to dance for me. If you takes a moment to recalls yous already saw me walk in here, I just asked yous to forgets and you kindly dids." It was then that his first appearance popped back into their heads and there was a collective gasp from the majority of the audience. "Nows for thoses of ya who still don'ts believe I'll demonstrates." Pulling out his cards he handed them to a member in the front. "Yous don't gots to take one if yous don't wants to. Just pass 'em along." Once all the cards had been passed out, Vicent asked those with cards to focus on their card. Starting with a woman in the front row he procceeded to call out every persons card. By the time he had finished his demonstration he was fifty-two for fifty-two. "Nows for the next part of my act I'lls be calling ups certain cards to helps me, buts keep in mind yous don't gots to come up unless yous want." After quite a few more tricks there were only four cards left that hadn't been used the aces. Pacing in front of the crowd Vincent called out, "Fors my final act I thoughts we could play a man's sport. Russian roulette." Pulling his hand out of his pocket he held up his empty hand and spoke again. "Do yous see these 'ere revolver, wells if I could gets my aces up here, otherwise known as my bullets, I cans conclude this act." Many of the audience gasped as four of their own (a young clean cut man, an older gentleman, a young spunky looking teenage girl, and another guy about her age) stood and made their way down to the floor. "Ahs, wells nice to sees thats yous gots faith in me," Vincent said to his new assistants. Turning back to address the crowd he held up his free hand, which was completely empty. "Nows I wills put this 'ere bullet in the gun and we can gets to playing." As he spoke he placed the "bullet" in the cylinder spun it and closed the "gun". Looking back towards the aces he inquired, "So's who's first?" The four glanced at each other nervously. Placing the "gun" under his chin Vincent just said, "Wells l goes first I guess. You just might want to covers yours ears, case there's a bang." With that he pulled the trigger and whipped his head back as he fell. The next thing that was heard was just the screams of the crowd as they looked down upon the dead magician. Standing up Vincent looked at the crowd, "Jesus all of ya's screamings could wake the dead." All of the crowd just looked at him in shock. Chuckling Vincent instructed them, "Takes another looks at the gun." Lifting up the "gun" for them to see he just said, "Sees nothing there." With the new realization of no actual gun in their minds the crowd burst out cheering and applauding. Bowing Vincent spoke his final words of the evening, "Nows don't forgets about our other talented indiviuals evens if theys aren't as flashy." Once off stage Vincent looked at James as he pulled a much needed cigar out. "Yous knows I might have hads my brains blowns out, but I thinks I blew theirs minds." With that that remark Vincent stepped outside and lit his cigar happily inhaling its relaxing fumes.