[img]http://th00.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2014/113/2/e/eso__dunmer_sorcerer_by_thepurplesorcerer-d76vvyx.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Syndelius Odin-Ahhe [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Race:[/b] Dark Elf [b]Class:[/b] Battlemage [b]Birthsign:[/b] The Atronach [b]Equipment:[/b] A set of traditional mage robes, enchanted to increase the rate of magicka regeneration, a satchel for carrying potion ingredients, a steel dagger, and his Staff of Healing [b]Talents/Spells/Strengths:[/b] Excels in Destruction and Conjuration magic, but dabbles with the other schools of magic as well, especially Alteration and Restoration. He's also skilled in the use of a staff for melee combat, though he obviously prefers to stay out of those situations. His reservoir of magicka is also noticeably larger than normal due to the blessing of his birthsign. [hider=Spells]Flames Firebolt Fireball Conjure Flame Atronach Frostbite Ice Spike Ice Storm Conjure Frost Atronach Spark Lightning Bolt Chain Lightning Conjure Storm Atronach Stoneflesh Candlelight Magelight Healing Hands Healing Fast Healing Lesser Ward Steadfast Ward[/hider] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Syndelius doesn't have a lot of stamina or strength due to his focus on magic. Also, using Conjuration to create a sword or some such weapon is really a last resort, as he is a novice swordsman at best. Due to his birthsign, he also doesn't recharge magicka naturally. He has to either absorb the magic from other spells or use enchanted gear to recharge it for him. This has the potential to pose a serious problem in combat where there are few mages around. [b]Personality (optional):[/b] Syndelius's blunt mannerisms have a tendency to make him come across as an arrogant individual, but he really isn't arrogant. Confident, sure, but not overly prideful. He actually quite enjoys teaching, and can admit when he is wrong about something. It's only when he knows that he isn't that his bluntness really shines. [b]Background:[/b] Born into a poor farmer's family, it seemed that Syndelius was destined to be just another commoner in the history of the world, but he had an inquisitive mind a knack for understanding magical theories that intrigued one of the wizards of a high family in Morrowind, which allowed him to become a wizard's apprentice. He learned a lot while an apprentice, but sadly, his master died while he was still learning apprentice-level Destruction spells in a politically motivated attack by a rival family. Deciding that returning home would be admitting to failure, Syndelius worked odd jobs for a few months until he gathered up enough money to travel to Cyrodii to see about joining the College of Whispers, where he would be able to continue learning and perfecting the art of magic. Once he reached the heart of the Empire, he sought out the first guildhall he could find and applied, demonstrating his ability in a test of sorts to determine if he was able to join. Despite his young age, the Head of the Hall determined that he showed potential and allowed him entrance into the guild so that he could learn the arts of magic. The next several years were spent just learning. And he learned a little of everything, from the nature of the planes to the history of the Empire to the specifics of the different schools of magic. Though a lot of it was tedious and hard work, he didn't mind. In fact, he thrived on the learning and couldn't wait to begin some of his own research projects. Unfortunately, however, unrest spread from the rebellion of the Nords in Skyrim to the heartland of the Empire, and he was required to go out on missions of sorts to help ensure that nothing spread. By the time peace had returned, albeit a tentative one, he was approaching his thirtieth winter, and it was only another two years until strife rose again as the prominent General Sidonis led a raid that resulted in the deaths of Elenwen, Elisif, and Ulfric and began the rebellion anew. Due to the threat posed to his people, he was more than willing to sign up for a position on the Dragon's Eye squad, and was readily accepted for his magical talents.