Dexter smiles as she was once more bubbly, getting the food once it was ready, handing her the banana she wanted, and poured some of the vinegar and salt onto his chips after paying the quid owed. He asked questions as to what the technical terms were for she often forgot that he hadn't been able to go through time only that changed just recently. He was a good student. "Actually this isn't my natural hair color." He says after the Doctor said something about wanting to be ginger having seen a ginger man walked by. His dad had dirty blonde hair and he got his hair color from him after all. "I changed it as most people fall under the assumption that blondes are stupid. Sure my dad doesn't care for what others think, but one can only take so much verbal abuse." He says with a shrug. Even if it was accidental his yellow hair had people thinking that he was only acting to be intelligent when he actually was, so had changed his hair with dye and people left him alone after that.