Assallya Kressair Age: 89 Sex: Female Race: Elf Class: Dancer, "Recreational Herbalist", Witch, Con-Artist, prostitute... really, whatever can get her by Bio: Assallya has worn a number of hats throughout the years. First she was a young girl in Elven lands and then she was kidnapped and raised as a slave to a pasha in the deserts of the south amongst shair, djinni. She tried to maneuver her Master's son against his own father... but that didn't turn out well. She escaped but with a huge bounty on her head. Later she came back north and adventured a bit but soon discovered she was horrible at it, or maybe she just had the ill luck of joining with doomed adventuring companies. That's when she decided she didn't want to go on adventures. Not that it mattered- the adventures then seemed to search her out. She has since concentrated on wandering in her vardo wagon like some sort of Arabic Gypsy. She makes charms and potions that purportedly bring good fortune, ward away evil and attract lovers. None of which actually do anything... Since quitting adventuring she has found herself "Queen of Kobolds". An unpleasant experience, despite their doting upon her every whim, especially considering the annoying little lizards intended to gift her to the local dragon they worshipped at some appointed holiday. She also found herself used as a footstool for two years, magically paralyzed by a pirate king she had seduced. Apparently he didn't like how she had attempted to take his book of spells. How was she to know that it had been spell trapped? Luckily for her some adventurers took care of her captor. Other: Assallya has a substantial bounty on her head and has incredibly bad luck as indicated by her past. She also has a long lost sister somewhere which she'll probably never find. [IMG=]