Arthanus [i]is[/i] one of my collaborators, actually. So your count was off by one, Ekirei. We're at ten, total. Myself included. And I know not everyone is necessarily going to stick around. I'm truly sorry for the way things turned out about the swords, I didn't mean for them to all be off limits. Truly. But you must know how a story can get away from you, and as I wrote it more of them kept being important. Three of them are off limits, yes. And Seer is taken by someone else. Arthanus has just freed up Water Dragon(I was wrong, it turned out. He didn't want it). And I've just confirmed that Vultus is free as well. So that's Vultus, Water Dragon, Whisper, and Stormbringer that is open. Stormbringer and Water Dragon have little caveat's attached to them, about what sort of character you must play. So there still isn't enough for everyone, but Arthanus is right: I can't keep writing them in. I originally meant for there to be only five, I ended up writing in three extra when I realized that I was going to be taking some off the table. Whoever wanted Stormbringer: don't get too many ideas in your head yet. The prologue isn't finished.