(WIP most likely. I generally flesh my characters out more in the Roleplay to not get stuck with a singular format for it.) Name: Suur Mees Age: 19 Appearance: Suur Mees definitely doesn't look like a usual 19 year old, in fact, he is larger than most body-builders or blue collar workers. He is 6'6, and 285 pounds of pure muscle & bone. He has a standard military buzz cut for his brown hair as well. His arms look like ancient tree limbs; legs built like tree stumps. But this also means he is very slow, which suits the man fine. He wears blue mining jumpsuits normally, but can wear orange prison jumpsuits along with his army mechanics boots. Initial Ability: Immense strength. Nothing godly, but some serious stuff. Who you were: This behemoth was raised in an old mining town. It failed after a horrendous natural gas leak that was lit by a fallen candle; with all of the town but his blind uncle killed. This uncle allowed Suur to live with him in his home outside of the town's direct limits. He was taught how to set traps, harvest, and even read Braille. This man shaped Suur into who he is today, even changing his name from "Ethan" to Suur. Personality: Even though he looks like he wants to kill you, Suur is truly a nice guy. He doesn't even like killing animals, which is why he prefers purchasing meat or setting traps, never hunting. He also loves short girls, the smaller the better. Tall, or even muscular girls, intimidate him more than anything. And this is a man who could probably demolish a boulder, so that is not an easy feat.