Somewhere in Mosul, Iraq 9th September, 2013 Jan kept his head down, his heart racing, time almost passing slower as the adrenaline kicked hard, as it did in his fellow operators. Peeking over the mudbrick wall, he sprayed four shots down the BUIS of his 416, clipping one militant, before looking back to his troops. "Zhenya, Neil, lead the breach on that door! Wendy, Scott, angle on the left, I'll give cover!" Jan yelled, aware that the compound was now lighting up into combat. They had mostly taken them down- now, Jan knew that it was time to stop them before they made their only move left. They had to get the chemical weapon, before they got it out the front- and where Jan hoped that at least the Iraqi surveillance team would keep things on check. Jan peered over, switching to his M320 for a bit more power. Firing a single 40mm neatly into two men that were moving to set up a PKM, Jan layed down as much sustained fire as he could, feeling bullets whiz by his Ops Core helmet, and the shots ring loudly as some went into the wall, with Jan aware that he had got some of the attention. Getting a new magazine in, he cocked the weapon quickly, before looking over at the situation that was currently happening. "Okay, Scott, Wendy, give me some cover in return- we've got to stop them from consolidating." Jan added, looking over at the other two, full engaged with enemy and definitely picking up multiple contacts in the fray of things. Neil looked to Zhenya, looking at the door as he made a simple remark, trying to kick the door in on the smaller house of the two in the compound. The door simply didn't budge, as Neil gave another kick. "Fuck. They've blockaded it. Only one way in then..." Neil said simply, as he made a motion for Zhenya to prep a breaching charge from off his kit, a small block of explosive, onto the door's frame. If there was a cabinet or something heavy, this would easily disodge it, along with pretty much the entire frame of the door, whilst directing the blast away from the two operators. Neil's AUG in hand, he let Zhenya get to work, scanning the area behind the rest of the advancing team, before he looked over at his Russian squadmate, hoping he was ready to go. Leaning in, he gave a signal that he would go left, though he was on the right of the door at the moment- allowing him to sweep more effectively than Zhenya would, if they forcibly went in, and check any hiding holes. Reading up, his weapon loaded with a full PMAG of 5.56, he braced himself, the Australian confident that if they didn't find it here, at least they'd get an easy flanking route on the men supressing Jan, Wendy and Scott in the courtyard leading to the rear of the house.