The Doctor was all sorts of happy, the goofy grin on his face read simply, ‘I have a box, I have a box’ as he had a pep to his step walking down the streets of London, that was until he was cut off by the chocolate haired girl he had taken the box from. The Doctor stood at a good five foot eleven inches and she seemed to be only a bit shorter than him but had no issue standing up to him when he took the box. His head turned to one side as he listened to her talk, his blue eyes analyzing her face trying to learn as much about her as he could in the small amount of interaction. She wasn’t startled by him which was surprising and a welcoming change. Earth in 2014 can be high strung and not want anything to do with someone who’s willing to talk to anyone then again, there were encounters like this. While he was mentally analyzing the situation and taking notes, he didn’t even catch that she had taken the box until it was completely out of his grasp. Her smirk broke him from his trance of analyzing before she started to walk away from him. “Hold on!” He said quickly jumping back into motion and chasing down the girl. Apparently he needed to take a different tactic. “You are absolutely right, that package is important.” Jumping in front of her, her managed to stop her again. Reaching into his jacket pocket he pulled out a small black folded single compartment wallet and flipped it open projecting an identification of a federal mail inspector. “But that package cannot leave the store, much less with someone who isn’t it’s owner. It’s too important and shouldn’t be left with anyone who isn’t either the owner or the federal inspector. IE, me.” With that he folded up the little wallet and slid it back into his inside jacket pocket and pulled hard against the box, causing her to finally let go. “In case you couldn’t read it, I’m the Doctor by the way. Now you know who I am and I’m off! Good bye!” Satisfied with the response he had given her, he started off in the opposite direction. Now, time to analyze why this box is giving such weird readings as soon as he got back to the TARDIS. Oh this, this was an interesting day and the Doctor wasn’t complaining one bit; he surely did like interesting.