[hider=Ralph Cudworth][b]Name:[/b] Ralph Cudworth [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Height:[/b] 6’1” [b]Weight:[/b] 190 lbs. [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://www.zerochan.net/1596250]Click here![/url] [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Nationality:[/b] Amestrian [b]Personality:[/b] A drunkard, a friendly drunk, but a drunkard nevertheless. Ralph spends most of his time drinking, drunk, or some combination thereof. For what reason, nobody really knows. Some say that alcoholism runs in his family, citing that his father and his grandfather before him were alcoholics while others say that there is some deeper meaning to his alcoholism. Whatever the case, Ralph is a nice enough man, outgoing, always eager to have a good time and have some laughs. He is also a selfless individual, putting others before himself, even at his own expense, something that some might consider rare in these increasingly hard times. In addition to all of this, Ralph has a particular interest in chemistry. He often reads books and follows the latest scientific publications, even jotting down notes for experiments of his own, though, he rarely, if ever, gets around to doing them. When prompted, he will say that he believes the universe to be like one giant puzzle. It has rules, many rules, but rules, nevertheless, and if any person or society can learn all the rules, they can solve the puzzle, unlocking the secrets to the universe. To that end, he will add, conventional thinking has failed. It is an open mind, open to any and all possibilities – that of a drunk – that will solve the unsolvable and unlock the mysteries of the universe. [b]Background:[/b] Born in the countryside to Rudolph and Mary Machell Cudworth, his father was a physician and his mother was a nurse, both working at a local hospital. His father passed away at a young age, and he was raised by his mother and stepfather, a man named John Stoughton. His mother encouraged him to pursue medicine, planting the seeds for his interests in biology, chemistry, and other related sciences. At first, he began to follow in his father’s footsteps but then realized that his true passion was in alchemy. Thus, he took up apprenticeship under an alchemist named Clare Hall, and then, upon turning eighteen years old, after completing both his formal education and his apprenticeship under Clare Hall, took the State Alchemy Exam. To nobody’s surprised, Ralph passed the State Alchemy Exam. Why he wanted to become a State Alchemist in the first place rather than practice freelance alchemy, he never told anyone, though most people assumed that he simply wanted access to the vast libraries of knowledge controlled by the State Military. Since becoming a State Alchemist, has gained local fame for his flashy fighting style, and can be seen frequenting the local archives, as well as nearby taverns. [b]Profession:[/b] State Alchemist [b]Art:[/b] Alchemy [b]Specialty:[/b] Ethanol – Ralph Cudworth is well-versed in standard physical transmutation, experimental theory, and biological and chemical alchemy. It is this skill that earned him his state license and local fame (or infamy) as the Ethanol Alchemist but more commonly (and derogatorily) as the Alcoholic Alchemist. He is known for a fire-based combat style reminiscent to that of Roy Mustang except with one notable exception. Rather than creating sparks and manipulating the concentration of oxygen in the air, Ralph works with ethanol and ethanol-based substances, most commonly alcohol. Ralph achieves this conversion through a transmutation circle on his stomach. When he ingests alcohol of any kind, it will ignite in his stomach and release through his mouth or sometimes his nose. He is also capable of igniting ethanol from a distance through another transmutation circle tattooed over his right eyelid, something akin to “Spontaneous Combustion” but this can only be done with ethanol-based products and within a range of three yards. [b]Techniques:[/b] [hider2=Techniques] [b]Dragon Breath –[/b] Through the transmutation circle tattooed onto his stomach, Ralph can ingest alcohol and release it as a stream of fire through his mouth. Typically, this stream is about six feet in length but the size can increase or decrease depending on how much alcohol Ralph ingests, up to a maximum of about eight feet. Ralph also has the capacity to shoot fire from his nose, though his does this significantly less often. [b]The Dragon’s Roar –[/b] Similar to the [i]Dragon Breath[/i] technique developed by Ralph, this move utilizes the transmutation circle tattooed onto his stomach. Ralph can ingest alcohol and release it as fireballs from his mouth. These fireballs are about a foot in diameter and have a range of about twenty feet before losing momentum. Also similar to [i]Dragon Breath[/i], Ralph boasts that he can shoot fireballs from his nose, but nobody has ever seen him do this. [b]The Dragon’s Eye –[/b] Through the transmutation circle tattooed over his right eyelid, Ralph can ignite ethanol-based substances from a distance. The maximum range varies, but typically, Ralph can combust substances from fifteen to twenty feet away so long as he can “lock on” to that target. Any object that is obscured from view cannot be combusted nor can any object that is moving too fast for Ralph to keep up with.[/hider2][/hider]