Ash clapped his hands together, "OH BOY! I could always use more peddlers for my Empire! I think I will recruit them, they are good at being couriers right? Yeah, I am going to take a few of them to do my stuff. Oh, and probably the Roller Rink if I don't already have it as part of my Drug Empire. It'll keep expanding, and expanding, and I'll get more stuff like cre-" Ash smiled from ear to ear as he glanced around, "Oh!" Ash frantically waved his right arm in the air, "OH! OH! MISTER JOHNSON! MISTER JOHNSON! WHEN ARE WE GETTING PAID? I ASKED EARLIER, BUT I WANTED CANDY SO I KINDA FORGOT UNTIL NOW! OOH SPEAKING OF CANDY, IS THERE CANDY NEAR THE ROLLER RINK?"