Frederick was woken up by an alarm clock set up in the storage room of New York Electricians. His manager was kind enough to let him stay there until he finds an apartment with some persuasion from his Croat colleague Ivan. His mails are also sent to the office and his most recent was from his older brother who sent him a picture of his niece enjoying Disneyland in Paris. His brother was well-off becuase after he completed his conscripted officer training he fled to Essen in the West to join their extended family's steel exporting company. Frederick got out of the storage room dressed to look for apartments, carrying a worn briefcase. According to Ivan, having a roommate is better since the rent will be split. He walked past other electricians to leave the office. As sunlight touched he got out a shabby newspaper that looked well-used. There were a list of apartments that were on rent or in need of a roommate. He was looking for apartments close to the office to cut cost on transport, which happen to be close to East Village. He highlighted apartments in East Village to looking and chose to begin by going for the address on the top of the paper.