[center][b][i]This RP is closed! I have found a partner![/i][/b][/center] [b]The Premise:[/b] What if Kirito never logged on that first day? Instead, you have my character, with the unique skill [i]<>[/i], allowing him to harvest [i]<>[/i] from slain monsters and special locations, which can then be used either to permanently enchant an item or to create a one-time effect in a manner similar to a spell. My partner's character may or may not have a unique skill of their own. The story will follow the basic plot/premise of SAO, attempting to escape from the game and all the trials therein, including the ostracising of Beta Testers and those with unique skills. [b]What I expect from my partner[/b] I am a Grammar Nazi. I expect literate, high-quality posts. I don't much care for length requirements, however, so long as the quality is there. In this vein, character development is a must. My partner should be willing to work with me to drive the plot forwards, control NPCs and introduce new ideas. I prefer to RP by PM. [b]My Limits[/b] I don't have very many lines to cross when it comes to RP. Gore, violence, swearing and so on simply adds to the realism. There are certain things I won't write (incest, for example), but most of the limits in any RP are determined by my partner. Thus, I expect you to let me know what you dislike in an RP.