Name: Abraham Haddad Age: 2,650 (And he looks it too.) Gender: Male Race: Ghul (A kind of demonic djinn.) Random descriptors: Eye color- Years of exposure have left his eyes a deep mottled grey-black in color. Like granite covered in a fine sheen of clay dust. Hair- Centuries gone by and all that's left are a few loose strands dangling on the right side of his head. While barely noticeable, they're an ashy-brown. Skin color- Like ancient beef jerky covered in wet sand. Height- Abe stands at only 5'4" (Roughly 1.6 m) Weight- Drastically underweight, he weighs 98lbs. (Roughly 55kg) Clothing- A loose fitting and yellowed robe that he hasn't taken off in almost 400 years. [url=]This.[/url] Character Tier: Intermediate. Character Type: Critical Character- Tournament Participant. Physical Description: What was once a normal genie has rotted into a completely inhuman form. Bearing little semblance to a normal man Abe is a monster. Thousands of years gone by on a beast which cannot die. The skin rotted and dried until he mummified in the sun and sand, Abe's appearance is frequently referred to as 'Mummy-like' and 'Similar to beef jerky.' The skin clings to his bones and what organs he has left stay tightly packed, save for his distended gut. From his lipless mouth you can see two rows of teeth lining his grey gums, like a shark but with human teeth. Through those teeth seethes a foul brown gas, every breath sends the fog out with a small puff. Personality Description: Cannibalism leads to side effects, side effects like Kufu. Kufu degenerates your brain and leaves holes in it like a sponge, well, Abe suffers from Kufu. The degeneration is severe and causes him to flip-flop on a hair trigger between monster and man. A slight emotional trigger, a wayward word, maybe even a stumped toe. And suddenly Abe is incapable of rational thought, leaving him a violent and heartless beast. While he may slip to and from being able to speak and being unable, while he is relatively sane he is a sarcastic and sometimes even clever individual. Skills, powers and abilities: +The Ghul's touch: Though his body has wilted and aged, his fists and feet are still as strong as ever. The ancient magics of the Genie race still flow through his dry veins, his strength is phenomenal. A thin coat of these magics lays across the skin of his hands and feet, making his every assault faster and stronger than it could possibly be with his body type. Like many genie before him his magic may have limits, but he's still a terrifying presence. +Acid pool: The djinn magic works in strange ways, while some genies may have similar powers no two are exactly the same. Abe is no exception to this rule and while he's unable to grant wishes, he still has the genie's magic. Deep within his body where your stomach may lie, Abe's gut is filled with a slimy organ that constantly pumps acid into itself. Distending and inflating like a morbid water balloon. The acids within burn and pump a toxic gas upwards into his lungs, where he can breathe it out at will. From his mouth he can loose this vile brown concoction at pressures rivaling that of a fireman's hose. Again, these acids are magical in nature. While not immediately toxic or caustic, they are more dangerous over long periods of time. Making extended fights with Abe costly and nearly always fatal. The acids burn through fabrics, metals, stone and other non-organic materials faster than organic materials. Upon skin contact the acid burns like touching a stove but instead of burning through it sticks to your flesh and gradually eats away at you. The brown fog that he billows from his mouth is not fatal by any means, but it is made from the same stuff as his acid. It clings to the inside of your lungs and burns like you could not imagine. Now, like all good things, there has to be a limit somewhere. Well, you would be right. His limit is 75 uses for poison breath, and 25 uses for acid spray. +Blinding speed: With the ghul's touch on his hands and feet one would think that he's dangerous enough, but no. The mystic forces on his feet propel him forward at alarming speeds, more thrice that of an Olympic runner at 89 mph. He's surprisingly dexterous and can cross any battlefield in a matter of moments. Able to jump and climb like a monkey on cocaine he'll dominate the battlefield if you don't watch out. Oh, and you know that acid spray? If he liquefies the ground, he'll turn any battle into a roller derby. So watch your back, and keep a close eye on Abe. Character Equipment: +Aged and yellowed silken garb, it's a robe that he's worn for a very very long time. There are no magical qualities to it, it's just an old silk robe. Expert craftsmanship though, it has very few holes in it after such a long time. Only the legs and sleeves are frayed from time and movement. +A seven foot long partisan spear crafted from a branch of oak and a blade of bronze. There are no magical qualities to it whatsoever, it's just a very effective tool. Slightly flexible with two inch hooks on both sides of the blade. Found in a sand dune with a skeletal hand still clinging to it, the flag of some dead nation hanging limply on it. Abe tore away the flag and took it for his own during his wandering days. Character History: Born in the time before the one known as Christ, Abe is a ghul. A race born before man, the ghul were powerful humanoids who were born from the depths of hell and left on the earth to live out the rest of their eternity. Many were slain as time went by, but a few still remain. Unfortunately, Abe is one of them. No, Abe isn't special in any way. Nor is he extraordinary among his people, in fact, as time went by he kinda fucked up. Indulging in sick fantasies such as cannibalism, Abe didn't know it at the time but that was a mistake. The beast lurked among man and killed them during the night, flooding streets with his poison and consuming those foolish enough to stay outside. Eventually he'd run everyone from the city and kill those stubborn few who remained. Time went by and something started to change, ghul aren't supposed to age! No, he wasn't really aging. He was rotting. Abe's indulgence in cannibalism lead to a degenerative disease known as kufu, it rotted away his brain in chunks and left him insane and effectively undead. Without his mind functioning properly he was lost to the sands of time, becoming a legend and then myth, eventually becoming a campfire tale. Modern times rolled along and Abe found his way from the deserts and into modern society, this was a terrifying change for the delirious and mad man who had never experienced these kinds of weapons. Guns had replaced bows and swords, leaving the ghul confused and scared of these new and dangerous magics. Abe returned to the desert, much preferring the monotony to deadly magics. He may be a monster, but death is terrifying even moreso to the deathless.