[quote=Halo] Although such a volatile topic may be a controversial choice for Nat to pick, I also massively respect that he's making a legitimate effort. Let's not actively discourage people taking on board others' advice and trying to contribute, eh?As for the topic at hand, I'm pro-choice to a limited extent. I quite like the system we have here in the UK - it has to be before 24 weeks, and two different doctors have to agree that it would be damaging either physically or mentally to the mother. It can't just be an "emergency contraceptive", but if there is legitimate reason then an abortion can be carried out. The thing I always struggle with in this debate is whether the mother should be able to have an abortion if she doesn't want the child because they feel they cannot provide a life of adequate quality - say, they're severely below the poverty line, or they're an addict or some shit like that, who knows. The obvious answer is that they give the child up for adoption, but it seems somewhat cruel to force a mother through pregnancy and childbirth, and then to depart with a child they're biologically hardwired to be emotionally attached to, all because they're trying to do a good thing for that child. This is the point in the argument where I just throw up my hands and give up, because I never feel like there's a right or wrong answer and it becomes an exercise in semantics (for me, at least.) [/quote] That's the thing about these kinds of topics, it's all grey. There is no one right or wrong answer.