[quote=Dark Jack]Heh, it was only just before writing this that I actually went through the effort of going back and seeing what was edited in your post, Rhaevnn, and woah, you weren't lying; it was changed a lot more than I suspected it would have been. I quite like the way it turned out, I must say (though I do feel the need to point out that the thirty-inch long beak of that pick is hardly a "spike the size of a man"). And how flamboyantly old Morgan moves against our new villain... I'll have to react to that. Merc? If you read this, is there anything I should be aware of Ixion doing/saying when writing a post, or might you actually have time to drop an IC post in a near future?I'm really sorry Ixion and Morgan decided to fight this guy, though... this is going to be almost as far from a fair fight as it can be. But you'll see for yourselves when I post as him next. [/quote] Hi Jack. I just have relatives that I haven't seen in a while from the States over for the past few weeks (something I had mentioned in a previous post, but I think the visit has restricted my posting to being non-existant). As they are heading back tomorrow morning(?), I will be free again and will be able to get a post by the end of tomorrow. (Shien, if I haven't, poke me on Skype and I'll get it done). M3