To everyone supposedly calling the inevitable shitstorm that will happen in this thread: I'd like to say that Spam generally has a better track record with such controversial issues than OT does, and so far at least, the discussion in this thread has all been perfectly reasonable and respectful. Normally I stay the hell away from these threads... in OT. But this one looks like it's coming out just fine, and I find it extremely refreshing to see a thread like this coming from Nat of all people. At any rate, onto my opinion: I'm pro-choice [i]because[/i] everything's so gray. Morally, I believe abortion is wrong... in most circumstances. While I would discourage, say, teens who fuck without thinking of the consequences and then choose to abort rather than just using protection in the first place - I understand that not every desired abortion stems from that. Like others in the thread said, there are plenty of reasons why a woman should definitely be able to get an abortion - like if the child is a product of rape, or if the mother knows she won't be able to give the child a decent life, etc. Because of that, despite the fact that I feel abortion is mostly wrong, it's not a black and white thing - you can't just make it illegal because of those who take the moral low road, because there are times when telling a mother she can't have an abortion would definitely make [i]you[/i] look like the bad guy. On top of that, it's just such a touchy and controversial issue. So, I don't think abortions should be limited by law, because the situation is different for each person and in many cases I feel it could be necessary. I personally think it's wrong unless you have a good reason to get one, but I don't want to stop people who [i]do[/i] have a good reason. Hell, I don't even want to prohibit by law the mothers that [i]don't[/i] have the best reason, because it's not my business! And who am I to judge what counts as a "good reason" anyway? There's too much gray simply regarding what reasoning could be considered as "acceptable" for an abortion that I don't want that to be strictly regulated by law, either. Just leave it open for anyone who feels they need it and if you don't want people getting abortions, then talk to the people you know face-to-face about it. You might be able to convince someone to not abort and become a mother. But where it concerns people you'll probably never meet and whose circumstances you'll never know? Don't stop them from deciding for themselves what's right.