Carlton watched as Rita bounded up the stairs towards where she figured the shower must have been. Rita had been in so many houses in this line of work so she seemed to know the layout plan far better than most estate agents even would. Carlton began to climb the stairs as he looked over on what appeared to be the living room. There were some sofas, a coffee table and a bowl of fruit sitting in the middle. It looked like it had gone off but it hadn't rotted yet.. Someone must of been here not that long ago. Carlton suddenly felt a sharp elbow into his side whilst he continued up the stairs staring down into the living room. Rita looked panicked and Carlton knew that face well enough to know she thought someone was here. Rita told him to grab his gun from his side and Carlton nodded in response as he pulled open his jacket and slowly grasped the gun from the holster he wore under it. Carlton reached for the door handle and checked again to make sure it was locked for sure, he shook his head at Rita as it wouldn't open. Rita kept staring at the stairs down behind them as he motioned her to stand back, ready to kick the door in and see what was on the other side. Carlton took a few steps back out onto the landing and charged forward with a loud "Arghhhh!" as he kicked the door in and hoped to scare anybody enough inside so they wouldn't bother them. However, as the door came flying open it became immediately obvious that this wasn't going to be the case. Carlton brought his hand up to his face as he coughed into it in disgust. The body of a woman who had hung herself was dangling above next to a chair on its side and what appeared to be a series of notes on the floor. Rita was still out on the landing looking intently at Carlton.. "You may want to see this".