Whilst not all characters need to be in the centre of the spotlight, and indeed it's beneficial and important for a story to not just have that, with characters fulfilling important roles on the sidelines (whilst still attaining their own spotlight when the moment is right and shared between the characters and players across the length of the rp), when it comes down to a 1x1 roleplay you generally tend to expect both players to have their characters be equal, and not have one character serve as nothing more then a prop and support to all of the other characters' problems. If you think it's fine within a 1x1 for an RPer to have the story revolve all around their character and have their partner do little else but prop the other character and their story up with no consideration for their own, then... I dunno what to say. Read Genkai's post again. I mean, you might be more then happy with this in your rp, but then again you're the [i]only[/i] player actually in that rp, so... The condescending tone and attitude is getting to be a bit ridiculous and getting to be too much. It's unnecessary and unneeded.