[quote=Dervish] Yet.Also, I suspect I know what this is about, and if that's the case, then I seriously doubt a single thread is going to change anyone's minds. If you legitimately want people to start taking you seriously, then contribute meaningfully more often and don't make dozens of shit post threads a week.Either way, if nothing changes then your singular attempt at serious discussion will be meaningless, especially weighed against an entire history of shit posting. We'll see what happens, I suppose. [/quote] Putting a whip-cream topping on Dervish's post, I think it's safe to assume what this thread was to begin with. The general community of Spam really gets sick of the countless, stupid, pointless, nonsense threads Nat pumps out 6-7 times a day. When a mod said something along the lines of posting something serious for once, Nat's thinking was: "I'll bring an abortion debate to spam, lol" Guys, this isnt a legitimate attempt on Nat'x behalf to be serious, this is just more of his bullshit. He has an infinite amount of topics to seriously talk about, and he chooses abortion? And yes, so far this thread is civil and (aside from the OT Crusader above me) the points are kept short and sweet. But it does not matter how these threads begin, they all end the same, unless we stop the conversation it will devolve into something else. Ignorance is bliss, lets leave this topic for OT to debate, and carry on with our lives.