[i]“Little one, where-” [/i] As Archer stepped in front of Zephyrus, a dark humored smirk flitted across Veitaru's face just before Archer spoke his piece. Zephyrus wouldn't see, but Archer might. [i]“Where did you get the idea that it was a banner?"[/i] Veitaru simply pointed to the rag which she watched almost as intently as the shining guandao. As he finished and stabbed the blade into the ground, Veitaru winced, "Is.. Is it ok to dull the blade like that?" She reached tentatively for it, but withdrew her hand before touching it. [i]“As for seeing any fairies… I can’t say we have. But if you’ve lost one, we can help you look for it, if you’d like. Isn’t that right, Sethy?”[/i] "Oh, I haven't lost the fairy, but I never found it in the first place.." She sighed, "Another fairy told me to go find a red haired girl with a fairy and bring her to the graveyard." She placed a hand against her head and massaged her forehead a bit, looking down for a moment in exasperation. "I have NO idea how I'm supposed to find this person OR convince them to go to the graveyard." She raised her arms up, "I mean, what am I supposed to say? Hey, I've just met you, but you wanna come play in the Shadow Temple because a fairy threatened me to get you there?" She walked in a tight circle, crossing her arms as she vented. "And after THAT, I'm supposed to find a reliable Shiekah wearing a cream colored scarf and a guy with mahogany eyes, dark hair, who's a trickster. Last I was in town there were like, what, three or four Shiekah still around and none of them are what I'd call respectable, stupid twins... And on the other spectrum, there are so many tricksters in this town that I'll probably never find the right one!"