I think if I'm bothering you, it's because what I'm saying challenges your comfy little bubble of denial and indecisiveness. Several of you actually said no one can play canon characters but the creators. That's probably the dumbest thing I've ever heard any roleplayer say in 8 years. This makes me wonder how you even hold your own using your own characters. How inconsistent, basic, and awful they must be, if you can't play a character with tons of source material and background, showing you [b]exactly[/b] who that character is. If you put aside the fact that you hate me and my forward approach, you'll find that in theory, a canon character is easier to play, because it's laid out neatly for you. You have a clear and defined blueprint to guide you every step of the way. So I don't care what you think of me. Millions of roleplayers around the world will agree with me, because I'm right. Threads like this wouldn't even exist, if everyone had common sense, some conviction, and a little decisiveness. You'd have no need to write lengthy speeches about the problems you encountered, because you'd effectively manage them along the way. Do you really have nothing better to do with your RP time than bitch about shit that bothers you?