[center] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/9zshjS2.png[/IMG] [b]Cari didn't feel like getting up for work today, it was her first day back to work. She had a long week vacation. Her mother was celebrating her 4th, 40th birthday, this time they went to Hawaii for a week. As usual Cari and her mother Teresa got in a huge fight, about the usual. Cari needed to borrow money from her father Michael, her coffee shop job didn't pay enough, this month for her rent. Her father gave her the money, but her mother got angry about it, [i]"Michael I don't know why, you always fall for her little tricks, she doesn't need that money for rent, she's probably going to buy a new outfit or something!"[/i] Cari didn't like the way her mother talk about her, like she was her father's mistress or something. [i]"Mother I do need this money, more then you need the money, for your weekly botox injections!"[/i] Her mother tried to stand up and slap Cari, but she was so full of alcohol and botox, that she fell over. After that whole ordeal, Cari wasn't up to working 9 hours a day. She had an audition for a part in a new horror movie called, Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers, tomorrow afternoon. It wasn't a big role, she would play the dumb blonde friend of J.C. Brandy's character, Jamie Lloyd. She get's murder 40 minutes into the movie, but that was enough time. for her to get noticed. Cari would have to find someone to take her shift, if she wanted to make the audition and hopefully get the part. But for right now, Cari had to get up and get dressed, before her boss took her head off. Funny she was working for the real life Micheal Myers and she was up for a role in a movie, with the fictional Michael Myers. While getting dressed, Cari turned on her new Walkman, that her daddy bought her, she listened to her favorite song "Fantasy" by, Mariah Carey. Going out the door, and down the stairs, getting out of her apartment was to much. Luckily her job was only across the street from where she lived. [i]"I don't understand how you can be so late, and you only live across the street from here!"[/i] Her [url=http://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?id=HN.607987341495372841&pid=1.7]boss[/url] was the most outrageous, person ever to be born. [i]"I'm sorry Mr. Myers, it will never happen again, I swear it."[/i] She laid her hand on her chest like she was pleaging the allegiance. [i]"It better not happen again, or your fired!"[/i] He walked away, red face and sweaty like always. Back to work in this hell hole again.[/b][/center] [center] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/37yylhm.png[/IMG] [b][i]"This is how we do it sha na na na na na nahhhhhh![/i] Corbin was blasting his favorite song by Montell Jordan, on his boombox. It was the best way to wake up. [i]"This is how we do it, it's Friday night![/i] Corbin was pumped today, he was getting his shine, for the first time. His boss at the club was finally letting Corbin, DJ for the whole night, more money, and more spotlight. Corbin works at the best club in New York, New York. He would see all types of industry people. he might even see a record label executive, looking for a DJ, or a music producer. That's what Corbin really want's to do, become a music producer, like L.A. Reid and BabyFace. Music was Corbin's passion, it got him out of every bad situation. It was the reason he had came to New York. Corbin, almost got ran over, trying to make a Taxi cab stop for him, when he left his apartment. [i]"Drop me off in East Village."[/i]The taxi cab driver, drove him to the spot. Corbin gave him the money, the cab driver was a greasy looking guy, who probably smoked 8 packs of cigarettes a day to get by. Everyone has their own vices I guess, thought Corbin. Corbin loves the [u]12 Inches[/u] music store, it always had the latest and, less pricey copies of new music. He found what he was looking for the new album from 2Pac, the LL Cool J album, and Coolio's new record. He grabbed all three and headed for the front. The guy working there, looked like he didn't know any of the music that Corbin listened too, he was cute though, Corbin started to smile at him. Being Bisexual, everyone thought, that Corbin slept with anything that had a pulse and moved, but Corbin wasn't like that at all. [i]"How much for these three?"[/i] Corbin took out his wallet.[/b][/center]