The new companion, the one who had helped him get the torch, demonstrated proficiency with healing. Splendid! The process was rather quick, and felt as though he were going through the process of child birth, but when it was finished his hand looked better than it had before he grabbed the torch. Now, again, Mr. Sunshine noted the foolhardiness of the young boy. The being before had said, just touch the door for it to open. And yet he still insisted on touching the blasted contraption, as though it wasn't designed specifically for opening when touched. These thoughts were kept internal, and he just put a smile on his face. "At least I have the torch!" With a bit of a spin he took the torch from Braud's hands and galavanted over towards the now open door. Mr. Sunshine spoke to Finn. "You, lad, are going to die if you keep that kind of foolish behavior up!" Followed by a deep hearty laughter. It is noteworthy to say that his facial hair bobs up and down with his laughter. Because it is quite thick and bushy. The laughter paused for a moment and he lamented once more. "Why, I might have to kill you myself to keep the rest of the group safe from your childish decisions!" Again he laughed after the thinly veiled threat. While he was laughing, he was keeping his eyes closely peeled on the group of four opponents. Armed, the lot of them, that's a very bad start. As it stands, the only person in the group with any sort of tool to defend themselves is him. And it's a beaten up old torch, not going to be very useful for much more than burning things. There was one that had armor on, and that was the one that he would need to target first. The most dangerous of the group. Now, there was an elf here, one of those rotten prideful beasts. It had lunged into battle without thinking about his condition of being both naked, and unarmed against an armored and armed foe. Mr. Sunshine assumed that the elf would die before even landing a single blow on the knight. This is where Mr. Sunshine excels, Mr. Sunshine is a great warrior. Combat experience is great, and by the scar that runs from his waist all the way up to his armpit (On the right side of his body. I didn't describe him naked because I thought it wouldn't be an issue. I'll go edit that in.) He's got plenty of experience with how painful it is to have a sword hit bare skin. Though it isn't his style, and though it pains him so. Mr. Sunshine has opted to wait for them to come to him.