Meanwhile, back outside, a certain Sprite was not all that happy about the current developments. [i]Stupid Gabriel, getting himself into fights like that. Why can't we just stay somewhere safe? I don't want to see anyone get hurt anymore... Stupid Gabriel, stupid, stupid, stupid![/i] Deep down, Lily knew all too well that that wasn't a realistic option considering the group's collective goal, but still... She wasn't sure if she could take any more death, let alone due to someone taking unnecessary risks. Resting against a nearby wall, the Sprite silently closed her eyes, wrapping her arms around her own chest. Maybe she should just find a new spring instead of liberating her old one. Her sisters had probably done the same by now anyway. What reason was there for her to go on? Of course, that did mean she had to find a way out of here first, something that likely wasn't going to happen any time soon. "I'm still stuck, aren't I?, she whispered, more to herself than anyone around her. "I'm free from that pond, but I'm still stuck in this accursed place. Why did I ever go down here in the first place?"