[quote=Descartes] "Hm?" the barmaid turned to Rue. "I was born here." she said. If it was any indicator, she did actually look quite pale, even when compared to her father- as if she had never seen real sunlight. "Yep. Daddy came here and was one o' them adventuring types. But then he had me and had to settle down here. I take it you guys ain't from 'round these parts?" [/quote]Rue was somewhat taken aback, to be down in the dungeon so long and still survive. Her mother once told her that even Hell must have oases, but she never quite understood the meaning until now. "We are not. Myself, James and Gabriel are from the surface. I assume Lily and Morthos and the Stralhist are as well." She continued. "We're on something of a mission, that takes us to the lowest depths of this dungeon. And..." She paused, this was something she was taught to never say in front of a client. "I'm at a loss. I have no idea how to get further down, that doesn't involve a shovels and picks."