[b] "Yes Tessa, thank you! But after we get out of here." [/b] Anderus answered the young priestess. Anderus has entered the town through a hole in the wall a little to the West, but of course that way was blocked now by the town guards squad, so he nodded to Durus and followed him together with Tessa till they arrived to the gate. A single young guard was guarding the exit gate, Durus was right, this gate will be the town's doom one day. Anderus asked his friends to stop behind the corner so the guard won't see them and then quickly as a lightning he jumped from the corner, rolled on the ground and appeared behind the guards back, he then attacked a pressure point on the guards neck making the guard to blackout, all of this happened so quickly that the guard didn't even have time to blink. Anderus took the keys from the unconscious guard and opened the gate. [b] "Quickly! Lets exit this town and go to the woods!" [/b] he said to his companions. [b] "Don't worry, I didn't kill him, he will regain consciousness in about a quarter of an hour, so we should hurry!" [/b] he answered Tessa's accusing look and smiled, as the three of them went out the gate and headed towards the forest.