If you ever create another TT rp I'll def use Siena/Gauntlet ('; [center][img=http://37.media.tumblr.com/9751bd60885bcf1847e691a41f6b1c84/tumblr_n8pm73qqHX1qf4l9ao3_400.png][/center] [u][i]Name:[/i][/u] Violet or Vi (Unable to remember her real name) [u][i]Age:[/i][/u] 15 [u][i]Gender:[/i][/u] Female [u][i]Appearance:[/i][/u] [hider=Vi][img=http://38.media.tumblr.com/445561f0265173bbcc60b18dba660a01/tumblr_n981kdgHYz1qf4l9ao1_500.png][/hider] Violet is an extremely short, light girl, standing at about 5'2ft and weighing only 100lbs. She's of obvious Asian decent as evident from her narrow eyes, tan skin, and glossy, black, asymmetrical hair. She has a round face, doll lips, a small nose, and two different colored eyes (one is brown and the other is tainted by the substance on her arms and face, turning it purple). Her hands and feet are very dainty, as is the rest of her body, and she walks with a sort of childlike grace that could only be obtained from the daughter of a rich family. Vi is rather shapeless, still yet to mature, and because of this she is much more quick than strong. She relies on her small and fast body to stay light on her feet and evasive in times of crisis. Most of her body is covered in a sticky, purple substance which doubles as her power. It was, apparently, worse in the past, but has since managed to simmer down to only decorate her arms and face in swirls of purple. Both her normal outfit and battle outfit are a short sleeved, bright red and gold cheongsam shirt, matching red flowers in her hair, baggy, cream colored sweatpants that tighten at her calves, and red, silken slip-on shoes. She will at times dawn a hoodie though, mostly because she is still a bit self conscious about the taint on her face. [u][i]Skills:[/i][/u] [*]Baguazhang Martial Arts: Only knows the basics. A martial arts that uses quick yet weak (in her case) jabs and evasive maneuvers. Vi uses this skill in fights often, especially when conjuring up projectiles.[/*] [*]Music: Violet is a surprisingly gifted musician, and can play plenty of songs with her six-hole ocarina or hand-crafted, wooden flute.[/*] [*]Origami: Paper airplanes, paper flowers, paper cranes, paper anything! If you give her a big enough sheet and a nice enough idea Vi will try her best to recreate it in paper.[/*] [*]Meditation: Gained from searching for a way to control her power. Violet can get very deep into her meditation, so deep that she will at times not even react to the world around her.[/*] [u][i]Powers:[/i][/u] [*]Taint: The purple that stains her body can be used as small projectiles and tentacle-like whips. Touching it would feel like touching acid or a hot flame. Despite having had this power for most of her remembered life, Vi does loose control of it easily. Also, if it is used too much it begins to spread, both over her body and wherever she happens to be standing, and if someone (friend or foe) were to touch her arms or face without protection they would be burned. Mostly controlled by her emotions.[/*] - Projectiles: Small, purple spikes that are summoned when Vi feels [i]perfect focus[/i]. Their speed and damaged is dependent on how calm she is at the time. Produce both explosive and thermal results upon contact with obstacles and enemies. Her best and easiest to control attack. - Whips: Long, tentacle-like whips that are summoned when Vi feels [i]meager rage[/i]. The angrier she is, the [url=http://33.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m85kn0eTst1rzinrro1_r2_500.gif]more[/url] whips appear, but for most of the time they connect to her arms and act as extensions of her body. Burns if touched. Hard to control. - Skating: Vi can skate across any hard surface with the taint if she is feeling [i]complete grace[/i]. The taint leaks from the soles of her feet/shoes and gives her the ability to slide across almost any surface with little resistance. Does not work in extremely cold climates and is mostly used as an evasive technique. - Leaping: Violet can use the taint to leap high into the air by forming puddles of it beneath her feet and throwing it upwards. She must be feeling [i]great joy[/i] to use this attack. The puddles can also be summoned midair to keep her off the ground if needed, but this is only possibly if she is completely concentrated on her emotions. They can only be used her Vi. [*]Mithridatism: Because of her basically poison-tainted skin, Violet is surprisingly resistant to most other gases and doses of poison. While she isn't totally immune, she can definitely stay up longer than most against lethal injections and other intakes. She is currently trying to train herself to be completely immune.[/*] [u][i]Personality:[/i][/u] Despite not remembering anything of her past up to the age of thirteen and despite often being ridiculed for her strangely purple ways, Vi isn't a brooding sort. In fact, she is surprisingly sweet and childish, often smiling in any situation and remaining lighthearted even if she isn't meant to. She can be a bit [i]too[/i] childish at times, though, as she often pulls pranks on her teammates or becomes a bit selfish and ornery for dumb reasons. However, Violet does know when a fight is a fight, and can become serious if she really needs to, which is honestly best for the whole team. She can be surprisingly perceptive, though she usually isn't the brightest around. Violet can also be overprotective of her teammates at times, but still likes to bother them herself as her ideology for that is: [i]"Only I'M allowed to bug these morons!"[/i] Vi, though she appears innocent most of the time, could be considered a pathological liar, and often lies to get out of awkward situations or take things that are not her's despite knowing it's wrong. Despite that, she has a strong sense of justice and tries her best to do the right thing, even though she is easily tempted. Other than that, Violet is a girl who enjoys video games, music, and flowers. She can have a bit of a temper but is easy to calm if given sweets or something enjoyable to do. There are days when she can be quiet and cryptic (this usually happens when the Taint begins to "ache") but she usually spends them alone, in her room. [u][i]Backstory:[/i][/u] Violet doesn't remember anything of her past before the age of thirteen, so it shall be revealed in the game. Here's a [url=https://38.media.tumblr.com/0954b279994447a93b6fecd779944386/tumblr_n59xtjhsaa1rj5v1wo1_500.gif]hint[/url] though.