The sun hung high in the sky over the Cadets' training camp, the sky a soft blue, dusted with little puffs of white clouds here and there. A gentle breeze whispered in through the trees and kicked up little waves of dust as it reached the open grounds of the training camp. A small Platoon-sized unit of Cadets had been assembled, a hodgepodge of students from several different Trainee Squads across the Cadet Corps. Several Drill Instructors paced around the formation, eyeing them carefully for any loss of military bearing. A flinch or a shift of weight, any movement other than blinking and breathing at the position of attention was forbidden. Though most of the Cadets in this Corps' class had already been here two years, it wasn't uncommon for some of them to screw up the little basics of military life. These Cadets were all well-disciplined however and the Instructors could find no infraction worthy of their ire. Though they came from all walks of life, these young people all had a lot in common. Their uncommonly flawless discipline was just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Each of them were in excellent condition physically with combat scores that rivaled those of their instructors. The few who were merely average in combat were outstanding in the classroom, breezing through tests of strategy, tactics and occasionally raw information, with ease. Most of them had something else in common as well, an unusually determined desire to join the Scout Regiment... Standing a few yards in front of the formation, their hands clasped behind their backs, were three soldiers (two women and one man) from the Army. The two females were from the Military Police (Laura Strasse) and Scout Regiment (Elaina Penny) while the male wore the Rose emblem of the Garrison Regiment. The three seemed to be inspecting the Cadets from afar, eyeing each of the youth like one would a fresh fruit, searching for imperfections. One of the senior Drill Instructors moved to the front of the formation, his trench coat billowing around him in the breeze. "Cadets!" He barked, his deep voice booming across the open stretch of ground they'd assembled on. "Sir!?" The Cadets cried in unison, each curling their right hands into fists and placing them over their hearts in a salute. "Each of you has been selected for transfer to a newly formed Squad due to your career aspirations, combat prowess and academic test scores. Standing here before you are representatives of each of the military branches who will mentor you through the rest of your training and help orient you to your chosen career field." The Drill Instructor explained, stepping to the side and gesturing to each soldier as he spoke. "From the Military Police, Laura Strasse. From the Scout Regiment, Elaina Penny and from the Garrison Regiment, Hank Darwin. You will all receive instruction and guidance from each of these soldiers, but depending on your chosen branch of service, you will be directly mentored by only one for the rest of your training." In the second row of the formation, standing a head taller than most of his peers, Cadet Gideon Wallace felt both nervous and excited at the idea of working and training with an actual Scout. The young woman was only a few years older than himself but her demeanor and the way she carried herself spoke of years of experience. He was both intimidated and inspired at the same time. Meanwhile, the Drill Instructor concluded his introduction and explanation of this new turn of events by announcing, in that inhumanly loud and booming voice, "Cadets! Break ranks and form into your respective groups. Scouts over here, MP over here and Garrison over there!" The formation shattered into a disorganized mob almost instantly and the Cadets scurried around for a moment before sorting themselves out. Gideon, along with quite a few others, fell into a new formation in front of Penny. Though their numbers were surprising, given the low recruitment rates for the Scout Regiment, they were still the smallest of the groups. The majority of the Cadets chose the Military Police with a smaller group choosing the Garrison. "Very well, now that you've made your choices, it's time you start working toward them. Separate into your respective groups, get to the barracks, get to know your new comrades and prepare for a training exercise this afternoon." The Drill Instructor ordered. And with that, the separate groups parted ways.