Here is my main character. I'll have my intro post up in a bit. Name: Felix Runecaster Gender: Male Appearance: I couldn't find a good real life picture for this, but I did find this. [img=] Stance in society (Knight, Peasant, King, ect): Knight-in-training Personality: Felix has never liked conflict. He gets nervous and awkward around anyone who is not another knight or someone of royal authority. He doesn't like talking about himself and is very insecure. He has a hard time keeping his emotions in check and can become very hostile if pushed too far. He can be very talkative and fun if you are able to break through his shell, but it can be very difficult to do so. Although he seems weak and cowardly on the outside he will put down his life to protect anyone, be it stranger or someone close. He believes everyone should be treated nicely and never looks down on anyone, even if they are in a lower societal class. Felix has a low self esteem and constantly talks himself down. Background: Felix's mother died when he was 10 and was raised by his father until he was old enough to join the legion and begin his knight training. His father always pushed him around and talked down to him, telling him he was worthless. Felix never wanted to be a Knight, he wanted to be the a cook and serve the king in the kitchen, but his father would not have his son be in a kitchen. He was forced to join the legion when he became of age and has stayed a Knight-in-training ever since. Being weaker and smaller then all the other knights he was bullied and abused. Even the knight that trained him pushed him around and made him fell worthless. Felix decided he would try to prove that he was worthy to be a knight and tried as hard as he could to become the best knight there was. Other: Felix is too weak to wear Knight armor so he has to wear lighter armor. He uses a basic steel sword and his shield is circular in shape and has the kingdoms symbol plastered on it. (I don't know what the kingdom symbol could be, so if you have any cool ideas that would be awesome.)