Felix stood next to a wall his hands held together behind his back and watched as people bustled past him. He had a bored expression on his face and yawned a little. Nothing had happened all day and he was wishing there was going to be at least some excitement today. He sighed, who was he kidding?Today was just going to be another boring day of guard duty. Felix shifted a bit trying to stay as still as possible. He was always stuck with guard duty, granted he wasn't a full fledge knight yet, but he was sick and tired of always standing in the same place everyday and watching the same people pass him and go about there day. The young Knight-in-training could feel his legs becoming tired and shifted his position just slightly so he could get comfortable again. He could often hear people talk about rumors and gossip about different villagers, knights, or even the king himself. Felix never believed anything they discussed, but is was fun to imagine as a way to pass the time. Felix surveyed his surrounding, he was in a large hall a few feet from the main entrance to the palace. There were two guards dressed in the usual knight armor stationed on the direct sides of the large door that served as the main entrance. Quite a few people were moving in and out of the entrance bringing in all sorts of odds and ends ranging from food to supplies, there were even a few couriers bringing in messages from the villagers and neighboring kingdoms. He was stationed next to a door that lead to one of the many corridors of the palace. Across from the Soon-to-be-knight was another guard. On the opposite side of the large door was a massive stair case that lead to a large gold and sliver plated door. That door lead to the throne room where the king sat and on either side of that door were two more guards. It was a nice area to guard, Felix had to admit and being stationed as a guard wasn't all bad, but there was always a small voice in the back of his head that pleaded for some sort of adventure.