As a note Wind, and Merlin, the Art of Athriohm is not strictly enchanting (by either of our definitions) and is a far more broad variety of magic really. Heck, a lot of human magic has properties similar to the Art, either unintentionally, or because the Art was likely the first, or one of the first, human magics whether people are aware of it or not. In terms of changing the properties of materials, that is one of the chief things that Practitioners can do. It's what I referred to as "Weaving," in the description. Taking the properties of one thing and imbuing them into something else. However, if you did not have those properties from the essence of another material, you could instead use Sigil making (either by literally making seals or by simply mimicking the proper patterns) and alter, bolster, or add to the traits of a given object or thing. One of the limiters on it, though, is that Practitioners can only alter their own bodies (still limited as it does not allow one to change into an animal or the like) and the bodies of either those who consent to such, or of that which is inanimate. There are good reasons for such, and I'm working on writing them up :P I just thought I'd clarify that bit regarding the Art as it is a very broad discipline when it comes to what it can accomplish. I mean, you can fling fireballs, create ice, chang ethe temperature, instigate weather changes, bind things, imbue things with different properties, etc etc. On the other hand, one can do this [I]without[/I] using the Art. One can instead use another type of magic to do so, though it may be similar, and will always be based around the use of Essence (as that's how magic works in this verse). But yeah. I'll stop rambling now. I think I'll start working on the necessary revamps to Szayeis (as I never did get to finish up his little...plot) and perhaps Mairyell. Not sure about the Broker though, still gotta figure him out. Saella, maybe. Vaihrn...who knows.