[quote=Imperfectionist] -shrug- Brovo's just fishing for a bit of attention, but he was off his game today. Prince beat him to it.I didn't read it, because this topic of discussion has, in my opinion, been entirely resolved. There's nothing his "dissecting" bullshit can illuminate for me. It isn't entertaining for me, or funny, or anything other than annoying. Got nothing against the guy, but this thread was already won, and it wasn't by Brovo.So... I fixed it back. [/quote] Except Prince speaks in absolutes, his points are far, [i]far[/i] too long showing he cannot condense his thoughts, and he goes to this extent... [b]Over playing pretend[/b]. Against a person who will not listen to him, whatsoever. Meanwhile, I acknowledge that because it's an art, it's an entirely personal experience. To say that canon = auto-easier or canon = auto-harder is to make the same claim about fantasy, modern, sci-fi, or otherwise. [b]It's a plain untrue statement[/b]. They both have skill sets involved: One involves creating a new character from scratch, while the other forces the author to operate within the confines of the preexisting character. [b]It is patently false to declare one as easier than the other[/b]. Period. End of story. It drums down to "if you cannot understand the character's motivations, you will not succeed at writing within that character's mindset." Literally, that's it. Doesn't matter if it's Deadpool or your totally original character, Dreadpool. :hehe Prince makes good points, but it's lost in the sea of babbling. He needs to learn to condense his points. As for this, all I did was point out how utterly inane it is to have a chosen one complex about a hobby where the only qualification you need is the ability to have an imagination. There are people who do it better and who do it worse, granted, but there's no universal standard to apply here. Hell even if you were to consider role playing writing (which it patently isn't, but this thread isn't about that), look at how many forms of writing there are. Look at how many plot lines there are, forms of narration there are... There's poetry, there's journal-type writing, there's eastern style writing and western style writing. There isn't even universal consensus in which direction to read the text: The Japanese read right to left, while the western world reads left to right! Really. That's it. That's why people are going "Brovo won" or "Brovo for president". Because I made a better argument with far less words. If Prince did the same, Prince would have won. Note, this isn't to say that Prince was wrong. Again, had good points. (I liked the bit about interaction especially. That's damned true about role playing and I argue it effectively in the articles section in my last article.) It was just [b]too damn long[/b]. :lol