[CENTER][IMG]http://th06.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2011/166/0/0/red_planet_landscape_by_manu_rhoads-d3iyp1e.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Cold air clung to Iliana's body as it permeated the air of the small red planet. She was thankful for her long, tightly wrapped red scarf and the hooded fur jacket she wore over her Kamarov Hunter's Armour. The cold couldn't bear through her mask either, though it somehow filled the entire observatory that the two had decided to use as shelter from the frequent dust storms in order to get some rest. A pair of thin, but quite well-insulated sleeping bags were unrolled on the metallic floor. Iliana's eyes scanned the massive console which controlled most of the goings-on in the massive complex. Materializing beside her, the Ghost companion which all Guardians had would look over the computer and begin to run a scan. Within mere moments, he began to speak. "I can close the airlocks and seal the complex for the night from here and then turn on the oxygen pumps, but the heating systems need to be visited manually in the sub-basements in order to turn on any remote heating. You two could survive the night in cold, but you risk exposure as well as weakened immune systems due to the temperatures. I could return it to only this room for the duration of the night," He said before dematerializing. Iliana thought for a moment before looking over to Asurya, "Well, I know I don't wanna sleep in my mask and this coat all night," She said honestly, a soft 'psst' sounding as she removed the pressure-locked mask from her face, taking a lungful of freshly pumped oxygen in. She stared down the sight of her Shingen autorifle and took note of the number at the base of it, where the number of rounds her in her magazine were displayed. She pulled a few of the ones she had emptied throughout the day from her bandoleer and began to refill them with the stores in extra stores she had packed, having relieved the weight from her Sparrow before entering the building. From the ammo box, she began to load the rounds into each of those empty magazines. Once finished, she refilled her bandoleer and checked the cylinder of her hand cannon, the barrel coloured in a deep, glossy crimson. She spun the cylinder once before flicking it back into the gun and shoving it into the holster on her hip. After ensuring that everything was ready, she chambered a round for her rifle and readjusted her hooded fur jacket which kept her warm under the protective Kamarov body armour. "I'm heading to the basement - do you want to keep setting up, or join me? The complex seems to be pretty barren, but I don't want to bar the option of having a battle buddy," She said, firmly pulling the butt of the rifle into her shoulder as she held tightly to the foregrip and it down across her chest. Her index finger was loosely pressed parallel to the gun, above the trigger. She shook her head, tossing her short hair back and out of her eyes.