[quote=HeilixAxel42] In respect, I can understand your concern. Sir James Gilford is more or less a fanatic rather than a rank and file soldier, although he is head of the lesser equipped and even less motivated Hylain Town Watch. Due to his attitude, the stress he puts on himself that makes him unlikable, his men would only be of concern if Maryov were to strike him down. Plus, it hasn't been that long since a 'particular Chilfos' has gone missing and that caused quite a commotion, so he might be a bit uppity if he suspects a brawl or clashing of swords. [/quote] I don't think the concern's with his personality. It's making and controlling and NPC with a majorly important position that has real potential for control over aspects of the game, and also one that the GMs might have had something planned for. Like, the character has the ability to send his men after various characters, for instance, which is power playing, especially in light of the fact a character like Maryev would not back down from a fight at his own peril because that's his nature. I'm pretty sure when they say you're allowed to make NPCs, it just means characters for yours to interact with so your player character can interact with the world in small ways for the sake of writing instead of characters that can fundamentally alter the game experience for other players in a tangible way.