[center][img=http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/bensundeitestutho/raptor-man_zps06c95bcc.png][/center] [center][b]Zac WIlson[/b][/center] Zac sped down the road that led away from the burning RV. However, as Zac was departing, he heard sirens approaching the abandoned site. The local police must had been tipped that a fire was raging in this vicinity. Yet again Zac has left behind his girlfriend to take the fall. While those situations were not entirely Zac’s fault, he still blamed himself. Should he blame himself for being kidnapped, which caused Kelly to be alone at home, almost to be seen by his parents? Was it his fault that he had to go defend himself against NCAA violations, which resulted in Kelly walking alone to class and being assaulted? Was this situation his fault? For a split second, Zac considered turning around in order to save his girlfriend from the police. However, Zac changed his mind because Kelly’s secret was already out of the bag, but his was not. At the current moment, revealing the truth, that Zac was indeed a metahuman, would not be beneficial for Zac due to the NCAA investigation. He feared that it would be taken the wrong way. Yes, he was a metahuman, but he never used his powers to gain any advantage on the playing field. Therefore, Zac continued forward, in spite of his conscience telling him that he was abandoning his girlfriend yet again. Just like his girlfriend, Zac had not been honing his abilities. Therefore, it took Zac a couple seconds to get acclimated again to running at high speeds. But once he felt comfortable at 60 to 70 mph, everything was smooth sailing from there, or at least until he reached a crossroad. After Zac decreased his speed down to a screeching halt, he pondered about which way the culprits, who abandoned the RV, went. He knew that they had to have gone down one of these two paths. But which one. Suddenly, a golden eagle descended from the sky. It landed in the middle of one of two streets on the forked crossroad. Eerily enough, the eagle stared intently at Zac, its head tilted as if it was trying to tell Zac something. When Zac took a step in the direction of the other street, the eagle took off in the air, flying around Zac. It continued to do this, along with echoing a terrible screech until Zac took a step in the other direction. Once Zac moved toward the other street, where the eagle had originally landed, the eagle ceased from pestering the young metahuman. Was Zac going mad by ‘listening’ to a bird for advice on which path the people, who burned the RV and left Sammy behind, went? When Zac turned around, he saw that the eagle had disappeared. However, he did not remember hearing it depart. No wings flapped, no screams being cried out. Just silence. Was ti part of his imagination? Nevertheless, Zac continued down this road, in spite of his doubts about how reliable the eagle was. However, Zac soon realized how reliable it actually was. When Zac saw a light turning yellow and therefore soon to be red, he began to slow down again, learning from the last time that he needed more room to stop properly. Even though Zac started to slow down sooner, he still bumped into the rear end of a car stopped at the traffic light. The sight of Zac’s strange appearance spooked the driver, causing him to press his foot on the gas, despite the light still showing red. Was this the family or did Zac just send an innocent family into harm’s way?