Name:Judah Manet (Superhero name: Triune) Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: [hider=Judah wears no costume][img=] Angelic form:[img=] but with wings Demonic form: [img=][/hider] Skills: Adept knowledge of the paranormal and apprentice level knowledge of magic Minor tactician ability Lucid dreaming and slight astral projection Meditation Powers: Normally he has minor DC universe magic, nowhere near Zatanna or Raven, just minor magic ability, not strong enough to even require chanting, more of gliding than flight, not too high off the ground Every decision that Judah is faced with, Alexis and Nicola give him two choices that are very different, depending on what he decides on depends on which set of powers he gets. If he chooses a neutral path his powers don’t change. Angel form (Alexis): Flight via wings, Light bow and arrows, “Blessings” basically making others stronger/heal faster/feel rejuvenated, Shields, and a sword made of fire, pacifying voice (works great with crowd control, not so much villains), empathy, telepathy Demon form (Nicola): Phasing through walls, fading to shadow, claws, fangs, minor fire powers, wall climbing, tail can be used to bash things, increased speed and strength, summoning harmless minions out of shadows, detachable limbs, appearance altering (From decaying body to sexy incubus to spiny armored demon creature) enhanced durability, possession Personality: Despite claims that he has three, he really only has one. A good way to describe that personality will be indecisive, purely because of the not-so-imaginary Angel and Demon on his shoulders. He talks to himself a lot, but rarely out loud. He seems to change from chaotic to orderly at seemingly no cause. He is quiet and paranoid of everything, constantly looking in every direction it seems. Backstory: His parents, one a priest, one a born again Luciferian worshiper, constantly pulled Judah to one side or the other during his childhood. He never got a say in anything and was an object to both his parents , a blank canvas to be converted to one religion or the other. This all changed when both of them ended up winning, bringing forth a demon from heaven through prayer, his father gave his son power to overcome his mother’s torture while his mother made a sacrifice and brought forth a demon to save her son from being forced to go to church and a life without any sin. They both did this on the same day, with each being, the angel Alexis, and the demon Nicola arriving to his presence to possess his body at once. For months he acted strangely, his red hair faded to a grey, one of his eyes blackened and he talked to himself a lot. He had trouble even making basic decisions, and when he did they were either chaotic or orderly. He eventual realized how much of an impact his choices had and ran away from home in the middle of the night, fading into shadow with a pentagram burned into the floor and a cross etched into the ceiling. He had begun to understand who the voices were, and just what they could do for him, the only choices that remained were when to follow who’s advice.