Why they came to this red planet, Asurya would never know. Actually, she did know why. While her kinsmen fought throughout the galaxy, pushing back the fallen, she and her partner were sent here. The vanguards wanted confirmed intel of the activity that was reported by scouting space probes that were sent from Earth. So here they were. The Awoken shivered as she pulled her white trench coat around. Even with the layer of armor and skin suit that she wore underneath, none of it could halt the cold from rushing through her with fanatical fury. It was manageable however. At least the Fatekiller hood her father gave to her kept her face relatively warm. It was a charitable thing that her father did. The armor that is. It had saved her on many occasions while amplifying what abilities she received from the blessing of the Traveler. Asurya's ghost materialized as she was off to the side trying to get a console to work. It wasn't as big as the one Illiana was at, but it controled something of vital importance. The observatory that Illiana and her decided to take cover in seemed secured enough. However, if there cameras, sensors, anything that they could use, it'd be just downright stupid to pass it up. "Can you do anything about this?" she asked her ghost. "If fallen converge on this position, I'd like to know beforehand." The ghost hovered on over as it's eye began to scan the console. "It'll take some time. I can re-route what remains of the infrastructures power to give us the full capabilities of the facility," it said. "Unfortunately, it'd conflict with heating the observatory." "Can you find a balance? At least cameras? Prioritize the heating, if you could. The planet's one big ice cube." "Let me see what I can do." Asurya walked over to Illiana. When she saw the woman take off her helmet, she did the same. Her briliant fire white-blue eyes punctured through the darkness. Her helmet dematerialized as she felt the reassuring weight of her Hawkmoon hand canon and the weight of her shotgun slung across her back. Though she was armed with a pretty devastating arsenal, she used her weapons only in the most desperate of circumstances. Instead, she relied heavily upon her powers that she spent years learning, practicing, studying, and mastering. Her belt still had plenty of ammo and other miscellaneous things. She felt her power amplify in her hand giving it a blue shimmer. She looked at it then dissipated the blue glow. "Let you go down there by yourself? Please Illiana, someone has to look after you," Asurya said as she made sure her hand canon was loaded before joining her partner. "I've asked my ghost to see what he can do with the cameras for the facility. I think they can handle themselves for now. The layout of the building didn't seem too complicated. The basement should be through that door over there. Stairs. Gotta love them." Taking a deep breath of air, Asurya started to move towards the spot she had just pointed out. She kept her hand canon pointed towards the floor but high enough to raise and fire quickly if need be. When she reached the stairs that descended down, she took note of the darkness. "Illiana, care to light the way?"