[center][img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/181/8/b/pokemon_pp___pallet_town_by_demise_hawk-d54g9bg.png[/img] Hepburn Town[/center] Welcome to Hepburn Town in the Gakura Region. Hepburn Town is a peace full town full of kind people and is where you will be starting your journey to become a Pokemon Champion. Be sure to meet all of your fellow trainers & Coordinators(Roleplayers) before you head out into... the world of Pokemon! As Haru walks out of his house he takes in a deep breath and raises his hands in the air "Hello world! Haruto Ishimaru is ready to take you on!" Haru screamed at the top of his lungs. Miu walked up behind him with her hands on her waist. "Whats with all the yelling?" Miu asked Haru "Just saying hi to the world." Replied Haru. Miu giggled and replied "You are such a wierdo." Haru turned to Miu and said... "An awesome wierdo you mean." Miu and Haru both laughed.