Laura wasn't surprised by the number of cadets intending to enter the Military Police. Afterall, she had been in their shoes once, seeking the fortunes and easy life of the MP's. Uncaring of the hard truths she already knew, only that the military police were among the privileged few to be firmly safe from the Titans. A desire made all the more desperate since the fall of Wall Maria. "Cadets! Listen up! I am Laura Strasse of the Military Police Brigade!" She announced as the cadets assembled in front of her. "You have all done admirably well to come this far in your training to be recognized as the best and brightest of each of your classes to come here today. Show that kind of dedication and talent to me here, and your efforts will be rewarded according to your ability and due position." It was double-talk, and she knew it quite well. The question was how many among these cadets would recognize it as such? As she spoke, Laura watched the cadets for those that met her criteria. More to the point, competition for the top 10 slots would certainly be something to behold in this cadet company that was made of the best and brightest of many other classes. Only those who would truely have the qualities of a MP would make it to the top if Laura had her way. But as it was, she had to share grading with a damn Scout and a Garrison officer she knew nothing about. Meaning her job working between them would be just as interesting. "Assemble at the barracks and settle in. Get to know eachother. By the time I walk in at-" Laura pulled out a pocketwatch and pretended to glance at it, still watching the reactions of the trainees. "Five minutes from now, I expect each of you to know the name and a fact about the person you share a bunk with to share, and I expect it to be a interesting fact! Dismissed!" With that, Laura stood back and watched the cadets amble around. Pulling a sweet honey candy out of her pocket (a parting gift from Magnus) and popping it in her mouth, she then turned to watch how the other section leaders would handle their charges. In particular the scouts, they looked to have a larger-than-norm complement of aspirants this class.