Izari was resting in his room when he shouting outside and he would have ignored it had he not heard his name shouted and the owner of the voice also talk about how Remi should get laid with him! His eyes went wide and he literally fell off of his bed and hit the floor hard from shock. He quickly got up and got dressed and then quickly headed for the area that Yakoul was in. When he found the empress' pet, he glared at the creature and said angrily, "You are a sick little bastard, keep those disgusting words to yourself and the bodies you violate!" He didn't care if made Yakoul angry, he didn't like the creature and thought of him as nothing more than a monster. He never really understood why the empress had tolerated his twisted morals, but right now he wasn't afraid of the thing before him. He secretly prayed to Ragulhu that a lot of misfortune fell upon Yakoul and that the beast would mind its tongue."