'BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP' Annie yawned drowsily, the sunlight in her small apartment beaming into her house. She opened her eyes, and immediately shielded them from the blinding sunlight as she slowly made her way off her bed. Annie slowly moved her arm off her eyes, and blinked twice walking over to her dresser. She pulled out a nice blouse, a pear of jeans and her favourite boots. Another day of waitressing at the restaurant again. All that was on Annie's mind was Work, Eating and An Animaniacs Marathon. Especially the Animaniacs Marathon. Annie quickly pulled her hair back into a ponytail and twisted it, sticking in two near by bobby-pins to hold it together. Annie quickly stridden into the kitchen, stopping to make a cup of tea. She scratched her forehead as she walked out the door, with tea in hand --- The restaurant was empty at this time of the day. That's because Annie was the first one to show up, even before the manager. It was an annoying habit of hers, she was an early bird, and she hated it. She had no clue why she arrives to early to places and events. Annie walked up to the door and quickly pulled out a key that was tied to her belt, and unlocked the door with a 'KERCHUNK' sound. She pushed the door open and flicked the lights right beside the door. It was confusing on why the lights were there instead of somewhere else in the building, incase someone accidentally switched them off. Annie shut the door behind her, not bothering to flip the closed sign around. There was no point in anyone coming in, no one besides her was there. Annie sat down behind the counter of the little place. The restaurant wasn't that big, it wasn't fancy either. It was just some place people could come to and eat without really having a reservation. Annie took a sip of her now luke-warm tea, and wondered what type of customers would come in.